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Chapter Song - My Blood | Ellie Goulding

Chapter Song - My Blood | Ellie Goulding

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"I'll fucking kill you."

Dougie's voice was muffled, my mind focused on the words that fell from Ant so casually. Unfuckable freak. In two short words the faith I held in Spencer had fallen so short it could reach the deepest depths of the Atlantic, he was everything I was afraid he was.

How could he do this to me? How could I believe he wouldn't do this to me?

Dougie's chair clattered to the ground as he lunged at Spider, his fist coming across his cheek in a quick motion, making Spider stumble to the ground. Dusty and Malakai quickly pulled him away, Spider groaning as he stood up, he didn't fight back, he knew he had no justification to. I was at a loss for words as I watched the commotion in front of me unfold, JoJo crying out for Dougie to stop. Spider's eyes pooled into mine with great dejection, Dusty pushing him to one side of the classroom as Malala pushed Dougie to the other. Dougie continued to throw profanity riddled insults at Spider, though he did not respond.

Ant watched the uproar with a visible smirk, laughing as everybody's eyes shifted between us in horror of what Ant had said and how Dougie had retaliated. While Dusty kept his hands on Spider's chest, he turned his attention to Ant, shouting relentlessly.

"What the fuck, Ant? Why the fuck would you-"

"Why the fuck are you so mad at me, bro? Those were your words!"

Spider pushed Dusty away, picking up a chair and throwing it toward the door in a fit of rage, which it hit forcefully. "Did you write that? Did you fucking write that? I trusted you because I can't trust him!" He pushed Dusty once more, Dusty forcefully stumbling back as Spider pointed Ant as he spoke, unable to control his temper as he bellowed his words.

Dusty held his hands up in defence, speaking softly in an attempt to calm Spider. "Spider, I swear to god. I did not tell hi-"

"The only fucking reason I told you, Cunt, was to make you feel better about your girlfriend getting double fucking dicked by you and Malakai!"

"Spencer White and Douglas Piggott get out of my classroom." JoJo spoke sternly, gaining control of the situation at last. It was evident she had never dealt with such an outburst as she stood frozen at her desk, watching it unfold like the rest of us.

In the short space of a few moments, several thoughts and feelings had come down plummeting. My reliance in Spider was gone. The way he touched, spoke and looked at me was clearly not the way he felt. I was embarrassed, burning with shame as Spider aggressively made his way out of the room, not looking back. Dougie followed, glancing at me with a nod of reassurance before he left, to tell me it was all okay.

Everything would be okay.

"You fucking slut!" Amerie stated harshly, turning to face Harper with detest. Her words had snapped me back into reality, my brain attempting to comprehend the madness that had unfolded before my eyes. I twisted my head to face Darren, who's eyes already burned into me intently. Their facial expression was blank, they was just as horrified by it all as I was, as everyone was.

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