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"Daisie!" JoJo said sternly, disbelief washing over her eyes

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"Daisie!" JoJo said sternly, disbelief washing over her eyes. The class laughed, though I wasn't laughing. Spider's eyes burnt into me, as mine did him.

"Oh, it speaks! learning to use words now are we, Piggott? I thought you would live in Darren's pouch forever." Darren gasped dramatically, Ant hitting spider's arm in a bid to stop. Dougie went to stand, though I grabbed his arm quickly.

"You really are a piece of shit, Spencer. If I throw a stick will you fetch it?" I replied, standing from my chair.

"I've been called worse things by better women." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Better women? As if any women are going near you! Nobody fucking wants you!" A chorus of oh's erupted through the classroom, my friends staring at me in horror. Never, in my life, had I had a public outburst... but he just made me so angry, anger like I'd never felt before.

Spider's face tinted red from the rage boiling in his chest, his outstare felt like sharp daggers piercing my eyes. He kicked his chair out from under him, the chair hitting the floor with a loud clatter. My chest rose and fell quickly as I watched him yank his bag from the floor and storm out of the classroom, slamming the door behind him. "Oh shit, Daisie's done damage." Missy taunted, sucking in a breath through her clenched teeth.

Only now he was gone had I realised what I'd said. Spider wasn't nice but being told nobody wanted you was harsh, I'd hate myself to fall down to his level of disrespect. The bell rang and everybody made their way out of the room. I grabbed my bag and began to leave with Dougie by myself, Darren and Quinni made their way over toward me, shocked and excited by what just went down, though Ant had beaten them to it.

"Daisie, where the fuck did that come from? It's not every day Spides takes an insult so seriously. You must of cut him deep!" Ant laughed. Dougie left my side, he didn't enjoy the company of the likes of Ant, Dusty or Spider. "He had no right to call out Amerie like that." I shuffled my feet, fiddling with the sleeves of my jacket. I couldn't help but feel a little peccant for what I had said, though it was clear nobody agreed.

"Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to come to Missy's pre's tomorrow?... maybe, with me?" He asked awkwardly. I parted my lips to answer, though he carried on. "As friends, obviously."

"Thanks Ant, but I'll be at Darren's. I think it's best I spent as little time with Spider as possible. If you haven't noticed we don't get along very well." I laughed, shaking my head. Ant chuckled, shrugging his bag onto his shoulder. "Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me." He winked, before leaving the classroom.

I sighed, slumping down into a chair near the classroom door. Darren and Quinni emerged from the hallway, skipping over to where I sat. "Little miss, what a bitch you are!" Darren wrapped their arms around my shoulders, squeezing me in an endearing hug. Quinni squealed, joining them within the embrace.

"I don't know, I feel kind of bad." I shrugged, their arms falling away from me. Darren laughed, twisting my chin to face them. "You are joking me right? He's an arsehole, he deserves it. His ego's been cut in half, I'm just shocked it was by you." Darren smirked, Quinni nodding in agreement.

"Darren, I think something happened between me and Spider at that festival, after I'd lost you. I don't remember what or why but I just know. Amerie mentioned it today and I thought I was just being crazy but now? I have to find out what the hell went down that day." I sighed, resting my head in my hands.

Darren raised an eyebrow, exchanging a look of notion with Quinni. "Well, you penetrated his self-esteem. There's no way he'll talk to you." Quinni said. It was always clear by the way he'd treated me at the start of term his feelings of antipathy toward me were personal. I wanted to tell them about what had happened in the gym, though what was the point? Darren would call me crazy for spending time with someone as narcissistic as Spider without giving me a chance to explain, and Quinni would be so disappointed in me for not holding myself in higher regard.

I sat on the end of Dougie's bed as he leaned against the frame, stroking his new pet 'Darude'

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I sat on the end of Dougie's bed as he leaned against the frame, stroking his new pet 'Darude'. I didn't even know what the fuck to say when he'd come home this evening holding a duck. I came in to Dougie's room to borrow a couple vinyls, though I had found myself spouting on about my encounter with Spider in the gym. Dougie was the only one I could trust to not think I had gone crazy, entertaining Spider's repellent ego.

"Are you a fucknut? Why would you want to hang around with that guy. Did we listen to the same thing in SLT's today?" I groaned, Dougie's response not being the one I'd entirely hoped for. "You should've just slipped the paper into his locker and left. So what if he saw? Do you really think he'd care enough to go around calling you a thief? For all he had known, you could've found it a lot later than you'd told him." His logic made me frustrated as he casually played with his duck, attempting to make him sit like a dog.

"Okay, firstly, your duck is not going to sit. It's a duck, idiot. Secondly, maybe I'm just an honest person." I said in justification, walking over to the vinyl player and swapping the side from A to B. We were listening to Crowded House, Nanna's favourite band. "Who the fuck is honest these days?" Dougie shrugged, his focus still on the damn duck. I fell down onto the bed, smacking my hand on my forehead in annoyance.

"Sounds like the boy has the hots for you, sweetheart." Nanna said from the doorway, making Dougie and i jump. She had just come in from her poker game, in high esteem it seemed, today must of been a good game. "I had a bad boy myself in the glory days of high school, those are the boys you keep around Daisie." She winked with a smirk, my eyes shot toward Dougie as I laughed, though he always acted funny when Nan said stuff like that.

"When I met your grandad, we were two different people. I was a bit of a loser, like you." She started, my face fell, though she had a point. It was now Dougie's turn to laugh. "And your grandad, well, he was a bit of a cunt, like this Cider boy."

"Spider." I corrected, though she took no notice. "I'm telling you, it's all for show. Even in a day and age as modern as this one, men think they're too good for emotion. Real, raw emotion. When you get it out of them, they get scared, like the pussies they are." She shrugged. Though she had a vulgar way of explaining things, Nanna was alright right in her words.

"You have done something to hurt that boy, something deeper than stealing words on a shitty piece of paper." She finished, nodding in satisfaction. I sighed, thinking over her words. Things were starting to make sense that didn't before, I think something happened between us at the festival which had made him feel this way, and it can't be helpful that I obviously can't remember anything and he can. I had to get to the bottom of it all.

Nanna squinted her eyes and made her way a little further into the bedroom, pointing a finger toward Dougie. "Why the fuck is there a duck in my house?"

Dougie and I shared a look of amusement, a loud laughter erupting through the room. "That's Darude, Nanna. He's a sick cunt." I replied, earning a smack to my arm.

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