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We'd spent the rest of the day watching Quinni gawk over Sasha

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We'd spent the rest of the day watching Quinni gawk over Sasha. In the library, during P.E... pretty much the whole day before Quinni had finally gathered the courage to ask her out, with some unhelpful advice from Amerie.

At the end of the day Darren and I made our way back to nannas, as I walker in I spotted Dougie in the living room. "Hey Dougie." I said quickly, making my way into my bedroom. "Hey cash." Darren said softly, almost like.. a little flirty? I couldn't quite make out the tone of voice. I turned my nose up in confusion as I listened to Dougie and Darren conversing in the living room, which they'd literally never done before.

Slowly walking out of my bedroom and peering into the living room, I continued to watch them. "What are you talking about?" I asked Darren, stopping them mid-conversation. "Oh, just work." Darren answered simply.

"Okay... why?"  I questioned, general scepticism plastered across my face. Dougie scoffed, the room falling quiet for a moment. "Well I always do the food delivery at the diner, we just started chatting a little bit more, Dais." Dougie said with a small laugh. Satisfied with his answer, I shrugged and grabbed Darren's arm as we made our way into my bedroom to do our homework.

It was weird to see them conversing, they never really spoke when Darren came over. Though Dougie's right, they would be seeing a lot more of eachother now Darren worked at the diner. "Hey you, don't go gettin' flirty with Dougie." I joked, smacking their arm playfully as we sat on my bed.

Darren cocked an eyebrow at me, aggressively flicking through the pages in their binder. "Please honey, I don't go for mullet-cutting eshays, it's practically my worst nightmare." Darren mumbled, looking down at their work. I laughed, shaking my head at the response.

"Darren, I feel like Spider has a... personal issue with me? I know he's a dick to everybody, but he seems to really hate me?." I said, though it came out as more of a question. "I vaguely remember seeing him at the festival and from what I remember he was, you know, nice? But since the start of term he's been colder than his usual self." Darren furrowed his eyebrows, thinking for a moment. "I wouldn't take anything he says seriously, he's probably just mad the only fuck he's getting from you is with your eyes." I laughed, though I was still disturbed by what was going through the boy's mind to say what he'd said at the cemetery.

And it was clear Darren had noticed. "Listen, Daisie. We was all really fucked up that night. Everyone loves everyone when they're messing with drugs, it just happens. You're probably just overthinking it since we saw the incest map." I nodded, brushing it off for now. Darren was probably right, Darren was always right. I wasn't going to overcompensate for Spider, and he's always had a foul attitude.

I was, most likely, overthinking it.

I sat in the corner of the gym with Amerie, watching the basketball team practice for the upcoming game

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I sat in the corner of the gym with Amerie, watching the basketball team practice for the upcoming game. I sat with Amerie's head in my lap, my back leant against the brick wall. "You know Quinni is going on a date with Sasha tonight? I'm so excited for her." I said happily, twiddling strands of Amerie's hair between my fingers.

"I'm happy for her, but I suppose that means I'll be forced into social situations with Harper." Amerie groaned, smacking her hand on her forehead as we looked across the gym, where Harper sat with Sasha and Missy. "That might be a good thing." I shrugged, a poor attempt at reassurance.

I hated keeping what I'd see on the bottom of the table in 5D from Amerie, I knew how much she liked Dusty. But she was already going through the dreaded high school social suicide and who knows? Dusty fucking Harper could of just been bullshit, though you can't trust him or his friends when it comes to sexual confidentiality.

Spider looked over from the court briefly, catching my eye. I needed to know what his agenda was, why he seemed to hate me more than everyone else. It seemed like more than his usual teasing. "If I'm going to pursue that kiss with Dusty the other night, I need to get a slap band. I'm going in." Amerie sat up, stomping over to the court to stand right in front of Spider.

"Spider, please sell me a slap band." Amerie asked confidently. "What? You cooked? No way!" Spider replied, shaking his head. "Dusty said I could come." Amerie argued. Spider rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips. "So? why do you think he put me in charge of the tickets? To keep tossers like you out." He argued back, clearly getting frustrated with her desperation to collar a ticket for the concert.

"Twenty bucks. I'll transfer it to you right no-"

"No, it's gone up to eighty."

"Come on, I'm asking nicely."

"Ninety. It'll be a hundred in a minute."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, standing up from my spot and walking over to the pair. Spider rolled his eyes at my approach and folded his arms. I grabbed Amerie's arm and held it out towards me, slapping the band Ant had given me yesterday onto her wrist. "Amerie, have mine." I turned to look up at Spider, who looked like he was biting his tongue from shouting a heap of profanities.

Amerie looked at me for a moment, before shooting her head to look at Spider. "Listen you mayonnaise fuck, what is your problem with me?" She asked with a hostile tone and clenched jaw. "You're the reason we're in SLTs, map bitch." He said softly, coming closer to our faces.

"Yeah, well SLTs is cancelled. So what else?" She questioned, as she asked, his eyes turned towards me. Spider looked me up and down, and his lips parted subtly. I gulped, returning his gaze. "You really want to come? a Hundred bucks." He replied to Amerie, still staring at me fiercely. He stepped in between us and bumped our shoulders, returning to his game. "What a cunt." Amerie mumbled as we made our way out.

Malakai stopped us suddenly. "Here, have mine." He took the band off his wrist and handed it out for me to take. "Its fine, I don't need it. If his music is anything like his attitude then it's really not worth it." I giggled.

"Yeah, Spiders a dick." Malakai laughed, he turned to Amerie, carrying on from what he was saying. "And you, If SLTs is cancelled, you deserve to go." He said sweetly, grabbing my wrist and slapping the band on.
Malakai was sweet, and kind, I'd spoken to him briefly at the cemetery and I really enjoyed his company.

"Thanks." Amerie replied with a small smile as Malakai walked away to rejoin the game. "Amerie Wadia, please report to the principals office..." rang through the school from the speakers. "Oh, you're all gonna be thankin' me now aren't ya'!'" She shouted through the gym.

"Yeah yeah, thanks map bitch." Spider huffed across the court. Everyone began to chant map bitch and Amerie took it as an opportunity to have a little dance before running off to the office.

I turned to Spider one last time, he was leant against
the wall on the court. He peered over to me, licking his lips. I bit my lip and and breathed out a sigh, before making my way out of the gym.

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