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"Have you lost your fucking mind?" I turned to look at Dougie, who pushed the door open to my bedroom abruptly as I finished getting ready for school

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"Have you lost your fucking mind?" I turned to look at Dougie, who pushed the door open to my bedroom abruptly as I finished getting ready for school. I narrowed my eyes, my face twisting in confusion. "Why don't you give me a bit of context and I'll give you an answer.." I raised an eyebrow as I grabbed my school bag, taking a step towards him as he looked at me sternly.

"Don't deny it, I've.. unwillingly.. heard the gory details.." I cringed as Dougie spoke, groaning in annoyance as I narrowed my eyes. "Fuck off, Dougie, that's gross!" I whined, knowing immediately that Darren had fed Dougie all the gossip about Spencer and I, shaking my head as he stood at my doorway.

"Is this your thing now? Being with dickheads? Am I actually in the presence of an idiot?" Dougie asked plainly, folding his arms.

"Dougie, you've been hanging around with dickheads your whole life.." I argued dismissively, brushing past him to make my way out the house, before turning around to face him once more with a glower. "You're a dickhead too, Dougie! You clearly want to be with Darren.. you're just a coward.. always caring about what Chook and the others think of you.. always running around like a lackey because you think you owe him something. All you are to those arseholes is Cash.. nothing more." I spoke harshly, Dougie's stern face falling into an expressionless stare. "Do you even remember what you went through to earn that name? Don't you want to be something more?" I asked, shaking my head at my brother before I left the house quickly, leaving Dougie in the hallway.

"I remember what they used to call you too, Daisie.. fuck you too!" Dougie called out as I made my way out of the house.

As soon as I left the house, I felt a terrible guilt sink into my stomach as I thought about what i'd said.. how I'd brought up the history behind Dougie's nickname.. how he'd always felt like he owed Chook his life.. but I'd watched Dougie and Darren go back and forth for far too long.. I knew Dougie was confused about his feelings, and as I made my way to school, I realised that through all the shit happening between Spencer and I.. I hadn't even been there for Dougie through it.. he was probably so confused.. and here I was, his best friend and sister, not considering his emotions.. not even dignifying his confusions with a conversation.

I hadn't remembered the last time we spoke about our time in care.. it was something we didn't delve into.. memories so deeply suppressed that they didn't even feel real, more like a fever dream. Nobody I cared about knew about that part of us.. not even Quinni or Darren, especially not Spencer.. only Chook, not that o cared about that psycho. But as long as I could help it, nobody else would know.

As I walked through the school halls, making my way past the balcony that overlooked the courtyard, I instantly noticed the presence of Spencer as he chatted with Ant and Dusty, smiling warmly as he made his way toward me. "Hey.. I wanted to talk to you about something.." Spencer said, his voice more gentle than usual. I furrowed my eyebrows, a small smile spread across my lips as I tilted my head.

"Not here, though.. tonight." I nodded at his words, though as I opened my mouth to agree I noticed Amerie stomping past us, making her way towards Harper in seething anger. Concerned, people watched from the other side of the balcony as Amerie forced a confession from Harper, coercing her to admit that she was the one to write that Amerie had sex with Miss Obah on the map.

"I can't believe they used to be friends.." Ant said as we watched, Spencer placing a firm hand onto his best friends shoulder. "Don't say anything." He said quietly, catching my attention as I glanced toward them.

"About what?" I asked curiously, Spencer taking a step towards me. He stayed silent for a brief moment, before shrugging as he led me away from the commotion. "Don't say anything to get involved, it's between them.." He elaborated, making me nod slowly in agreement. Spencer seemed extremely dismissive of the whole situation..

"Harper just wouldn't do something like that, there's no way.." I sighed, glancing toward the commotion before looking back up at Spencer. "Maybe Dust-"

"Daisie, come on." Spencer interrupted me, shaking his head as I spoke. Perhaps he was right.. perhaps I was being ridiculous or reading too much into it.. perhaps I just really wanted to believe that Harper wouldn't do that to Amerie. But I had no proof that Dusty was an accomplice.. and I was overthinking something that had already been solved.

"Because you cannot learn to R-E-S-P-E-C-T sex or eachother.. it's time to get serious." Everybody gasped in horror as an extremely inappropriate picture appeared on the projector in the classroom, showing the severity of a yeast infection on the female genitalia Darren released a loud whimper as she swapped the photo, showing how it can effect the male genitalia.

Spencer's hand quickly flung over my eyes as I cringed, attempting to shake away the image in my head. "Oh god.." I said in disbelief.

"God will not be helping you if you get one of these, Daisie." Woodsy said plainly, earning a few laughs from the other students. "A disease that understands equity and inclusion better than some of you. It is caused by unprotected sex and poor personal hygiene.."

"I think I'll be joining the celibacy group.." I said with a gag, Spencer's hand moving from my eyes as he raised an eyebrow at my words. "Er, like hell you are.."

"A protest?" Spencer questioned, raising his eyebrow as we walked towards the lunch hall. I nodded hopefully in response, watching him think about it for a brief moment. "Yeah.. I'm not doing that." My smile fell quickly as I scowled at him, placing a hand on his arm to stop him walking.

"Why not? It's for a good cause." I pouted my lips as he sighed, shaking his head. "Amerie is not a good cause, she's charity work. I can think of like seven other things I would rather be doing with my time off the top of my head." Spencer argued, chuckling at his own words. My face remained in a scowl as he spoke, making his laugh come to an abrupt holt.

"Well.. it's not really for Amerie, it's for Miss Obah." I corrected him. "We was meant to go the beach tonight anyway, I literally asked you like an hour ago." I huffed at Spencer's words, remembering our plan and how I'd quickly forgotten when Amerie had mentioned.

"We'll go tomorrow, I promise.." Spencer frowned as I gazed up at him, pleading him with my eyes to agree to the protest. "It'll make Woodsy so pissed.." I practically sang my words, and the music in his ears seemed to make him perk up as his lips turned up into a small, mischievous smile.

"Fine.. you fuckin' owe me, Piggot." Spencer glassed towards the door that led to the abandoned stairwell, the one housing the sex map that set all these events into motion.. where all this shit started. "Like right now." I raised an eyebrow at his words, though I had no time to think as Spencer dragged me in the direction of the stairwell.

I giggled as I watched Spencer glance out of the small window in the door, ensuring nobody was near before he turned to face me, quickly pressing his lips to mine with a thirsting force. My back hit the wall as my hands found their way to his shirt, shrugging it off his shoulders to reveal the toned skin underneath. His hands wasted no time moving towards my bare thighs that were briefly covered by my skirt, lifting me to sit on a desolate table. Soft moans escaped my lips as he planted messy kisses along my neck, one of his hands holding my head in place as the other caressed my thigh, moving dangerously closer to my core.. and soon enough, I hands reached down to unbuckle his belt..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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