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I wanted ask Amerie why

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I wanted ask Amerie why.

Why did she put me on the map?

What made her think that I had any sort of feelings for Spider?

I wanted to ask her why, but the situation is so fresh, and she'd been hassled by so many people already for the same thing. I didn't want to put her on the spot and make her feel uncomfortable, not just yet anyway. I was silently praying that she would bring it up, since Darren, Quinni and I were the only people who were actually talking to her right now, I could only assume she'd be spending a lot more time around us.

Before I'd gotten to know Amerie a little better, I thought she was stuck up and honestly, a bit of a bitch. Now she's alone, I can see now she's not bad. Evidently, I judged her far too quickly.

We strutted up toward the cemetery, confidence in full swing as we linked our arms, though I think we knew we didn't quite belong here. I wore a short black tennis skirt with a white crop top to match, the star of my outfit being my black, white and red oversized motorcross jacket, A pair of Nike socks and air force to complete the look. Honestly, I felt pretty good. Darren styled the fit, and they did not miss.

My long brown hair was to one side of my head, and I had a bright red lip. It was bold, I would never usually wear red lipstick, but Darren and Quinni were desperate for me to fit in a little bit more among this new crowd. They all dressed so... alternatively? And looked good while they did it. As we neared the small crowd of people, we started to get a little nervous and slow down.

"We should go, we should definitely-" Amerie started, nervous when she'd spotted Harper with Sasha and Missy. But somebody had already spotted her.

"Hey cunt." The new boy, Malakai, greeted Amerie and the rest of us took it as a sign to leave. Quinni grabbed my hand, dragging Darren and i to the dance floor. Looking around, it seemed like pretty much every SLT student was here, even Dougie, though I didn't disturb him. We didn't really talk much outside of the house, and i knew he wasn't here to socialise with his little sister, or to socialise at all even.

After a few drinks, Quinni was feeling particularly relaxed, holding a binder with both hands. "Okay, I'm confronting him. You're coming with me." She grabbed my arm and dragged me along with her. Spider was the last person I wanted to confront, especially with his friends around. He clearly hated me after that awkward moment in SLT's.

"Hey flaps, hey Daisie. Nice jacket" Ant said, I awkwardly smiled back in acknowledgment. Quinni let go of my arm and shoved the folder into Spiders chest, and as he opened it he laughed in disgust at the pictures inside. "Yuck! What is this shit?" He asked, clearly confused by what Quinni had given him.

He didn't look at me, he kept his eyes between Quinni's and the book. Just as well, I'd rather not discuss labia's with this boy, he'd never be able to appreciate one. As Quinni went into her well prepared rant, Ant moved closer to me.

"You look great... the summer was good to you, ay" he said, licking his lips and scratching his chin. A smile on my face, I looked down and brushed my hair behind my ear. Compliments from the popular kids is not something I was used to, but I suppose if these are the people I'd be spending two days a week in SLTs with, I could get used to it.

"Thanks Ant, how was your summer?" I asked, Ant smiled and replied. "Damn Daisie, I think that's the first time I've heard you speak." I giggled, knowing that he's probably right, I was pretty quiet a majority of the time. I was definitely more of a listener, I'd grown up as a shy and reserved kid, and I guess it just stuck into my teen years.

Following on from my question, Ant said "Summer was great, me and the boys here went campin', surfin', ravin'. It was epic!" I nodded, his excitement was cute, he definitely had this infectious childish side to him.

"Hey, I'm sorry for calling you a prude... and for what I said in SLTs. Spider would be lucky to take a ride from you." He laughed, and then paused to think about what he'd said. "That sounded better in my head." I looked at him for a moment, before bursting out in a fit of laughs, covering my face in embarrassment.

"What did you just say?"

I turned around to see Spider behind me, looking at Ant unamused. Ant smiled at me one last time, before walking away, leaving me and Spider alone. I sighed, turning fully to look at Spider. He looked down at me and scoffed, a beer in his hand.

"Spider, have I done something to offend you?" I asked, cocking my head to the side slightly. He took a step closer to me, I crooked my head further to look up at him. The gap between us was mere inches and I began to breath a bit heavier, unsure of what the hell was happening here.

He leaned into my ear, my head brushing against his chest. I gasped softly as his lips brushed my earlobe for a singular moment. "I don't like you. And just because you buy some cool new clothes and start hanging around with the popular kids, it doesn't mean anything. You'll always be the same girl you was six weeks ago."

He pulled his head back, and I gawked up at him, shocked. Where did that even come from?

Six weeks ago?

Our faces were inches apart as he glared down at me, slightly puffing his chest. I clenched my jaw, and scoffed at his words. I have no idea what I've done to him, and if it's that stupid map he's offended about. If so then how dare he be mad at me about it? It's not like I wrote my name on that map. I never asked for it, just like nobody else did.

I was not going to let him intimidate me. I didn't deserve this.

I had only now just noticed the small details. His red lips, the small dangling earring in his left ear, the thin gold chain around his neck, The pieces of hair that would fall in front of his face and his deep, ocean blue eyes.

I leaned up on my toes, bringing my lips to his ear as he did mine. "You don't intimidate me, Spider. I never wanted you to like me before... and I don't want you to like me now."

I pulled away from him, his eyes flushed with anger. He stared me down, and I returned the gaze. I wasn't going to let him get to me, I'd taken enough shit from people like him before. His fragile ego could never take a girl like me actually standing up for herself, and that is exactly what I decided to do.

"Bye, Spider." I spoke softer, turning on my heel and walking away from him without a second glance. I made my way to Darren, Quinni and Amerie, who were getting ready to leave. "Come on, this parties lame." I joked, leaving behind an angry and frustrated Spider.

"Okay but did anyone else notice some serious eye-fuckage between Daisie and Spider?" Darren just had to say it, I'm sure those words were scratching their throat from the inside to get out.

"Major eye-fuckage." Amerie agreed, nodding her head.

I looked between them, unsure if I should be annoyed or not. How could I blame them? Spider and I had more interaction in this past two days then we ever had, granted it's all been negative. If there was going to be any evident signs of us being linked in any retrospect, it would be now.

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