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I stepped out of Dusty's bedroom, following the sound of him speaking into a microphone

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I stepped out of Dusty's bedroom, following the sound of him speaking into a microphone. I found Amerie in the crowd, walking over to her I placed a hand on her arm. "Amerie! Do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked hurriedly, shouting over Dusty's magnified voice.

"Yeah it's just over-"

"We're renaissance titties and um, I just wanna give a shoutout to someone special in the audience..." Amerie stopped what she was saying, looking over to the band on the stage, She could of melted in my hands as the words fell from Dusty's lips. I had a feeling that this wasn't about to go the way Amerie predicted it would.

"Amerie, we should go." I said, pulling on her arm. I'd hate for her to find out this way. I hated keeping this from her knowing what was about to happen. "There she is, Harper." Dusty pointed over to Harper, me and Amerie glancing over to her. Harper looked over at Amerie, guilt ridden eyes feeling pity for her.

"This song is for Harper McLean and it's called 'my life is nothing without the warm embrace of your sweet left cheek'" Amerie stared in disbelief as Harper made a quick exit, before ripping her arm from my grip and running after her. "Amerie! Shit." I called after her, stepping forward to follow her.

"Woah! I got this, enjoy the show." Malakai stepped into my path with a wink and a warm smile. I huffed out a sigh and made my way around the house, searching for Quinni and Darren.

I quickly found them sat in a bathtub, surrounded by candles. It was a pretty zen atmosphere, to be honest, I could sit in here all day. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner, there was this whole thing with Dusty and Amerie and Harp-" I cut myself off mid sentence, and realised what was the real important topic to discuss.

"Quinni! How was your date?" I asked with a wide smile. Darren quickly turned to face me, shaking his head. My smile fell quickly, and I sat on the edge of the bathtub. Quinni sighed with a sad smile, leaning her head on my leg. A gentle indication that I could console her. I brushed my fingers through her hair, looking down at her.

"Hey Quinni, not everything is going to be perfect. I'm so proud of you for having the courage to go on a date with Sasha, you're amazing." I consoled her, and she smiled innocently. Quinni was the sweetest soul, If I didn't feel bad enough for Amerie it hurts even more knowing Quinni's date didn't go as she'd hoped it would.

She sat up from inside the tub. "Okay, I think I'm good to go now." She says, to which Darren replied. "Stunning." Peeling the eye masks off their face and tossing them on the wall. We made our way out of the bathroom, passing through the crowd. "Do you think Amerie left?" Darren turned to face me.

"She followed Harper out, I wanted to go after her but Malakai insisted he'd go." I answered, assuming she had left with Malakai to calm down. Darren raised an eyebrow and smirked, not feeling as bad as he had before. It was obvious Malakai fancied Amerie, you'd have to be blind not to notice. We noticed Sasha across the room and Quinni turned to us confidently.

"It's okay. I've got this." She said, head held high. Darren and I watched from a distance as Sasha and Quinni bickered about Quinni's behaviour on their date. "I'm autistic, okay?" Quinni said in an attempt to stop Sasha ranting. Darren and I looked at eachother, taken back by her quick admission. Though we always tell her it's not something to be ashamed of, It's not something Quinni spoke about very openly. Sasha was taken back also, clearly baffled.

The thing is about Quinni, she had her mannerisms that made her different, just like everybody else, But she wasn't a textbook cliche. Her autism had never defined her as a person, and there was so much more to her.

Suddenly, Sasha cupped Quinni's cheek and closed the gap between their lips. Darren and I looked at eachother, silently freaking out for her. We grabbed eachother's hands tightly, covering our mouths to mask the adrenaline we felt for her. After a few minutes of staring at the pair in awe, we decided to leave them to it.

"Hey, I'm gonna get a drink. Want one?" Darren asked, to which I nodded, the boys had finally finished their set and the party commenced. I stood in line for the bathroom, picking at my nails as I waited patiently.

Without a warning somebody grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind them, catching me off guard. I gasped, my back hitting the bathroom counter. "Ant!" I breathed out, my heart racing a little bit from the sudden action. I placed a hand on my chest and exhaled a sigh.

"Hey Dais." He smiled, biting his bottom lip. This cannot be happening. "Ant, If someone catches us in here they'll think we're-"

"I really like you, Dais." He cut me off, taking a step toward me. I stood there, shocked. I should of seen this coming, the way he'd been acting was a little bit much for someone I barely knew. "Re, uh, really?" I managed to croak out, stumbling over my words from the revelation he'd uncovered. Ant placed a hand on my cheek, leaning his face in closer... and closer...

I fluttered my eyes shut as I felt his breath on my face, i readied myself, knowing what was to come. Though... did I want it? Is this what I really wanted for my first kiss?


I spoke softly, opening my eyes to find Ant pulling away from me shamefully. I placed a hand over his hand that cupped my cheek, looking up at him consolingly. "Ant, I really like you. You're amazing, and funny and perfect... but not for me. Okay? I like you Ant, as a friend." I said, watching his eyes wonder to the ground in embarrassment. He removed his hand from my cheek and stepped back, placing his hands on his head in a fit of humiliation.

He turned to face me again, shoulders slumped with indignity. "You like Spider, don't you?" He questioned me. "W-what?" I gasped, eyes wide.

"I've seen the way you look at eachother, after what it said about you on the incest map it made it so obvious." He huffed, shaking his head. "What? N-no. You're crazy, I could never like Spider, He hates me and I hate him. Aside from that, he's disgusting and a terrible person. How could anyone like Spider?" I argued. Ant peered up at me, shaking his head.

"Keep telling yourself that." He said coldly, opening the door truculently. Outside the door stood a crowd of people, including a few familiar faces. Quinni, Sasha, missy, Dusty and none other than him.


People were laughing, Missy even recording. They shouted taunts and teased us for being in the bathroom together as Quinni attempted to shout over the noise of laughter, begging people to stop.

"What'cha doin in there ay'?"

"Go on Ant!"

"I hope you cleaned that counter!"

"Where's map bitch? That's a new one for the incest map!"

Tears pricked my eyes quickly, and I placed a hand over my mouth to hold back a sob. I pushed passed Ant quickly, pushing passed Spider on the way out also. His eyes followed me down the hallway as I rushed off. "Daisie, wait!" Ant called after me, I can only assume in an attempt to redeem himself for pulling me into that stupid bathroom in the first place.

I quickly found Darren chatting to Dougie in the kitchen, tears running down my face though I did my best to hide them. I did not deal well in confrontation, and even if me and Ant had done anything in that bathroom I would've still died of embarrassment from all the laughter and jokes.

"Please Dougie can we go?" I asked quietly, my face toward the floor. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, placing a hand on my arm though I brushed it off quickly. "Please can we just go." I asked again, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry Dais, I'm, um, I'm waiting for Chook. Darren will take you." Without hesitation, Darren placed an arm round my shoulder and guided me out.

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