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Chapter Song - VooDoo | Gordon City

We made our way into the club and onto the dance floor, dancing to the blaring music pumping through the venue

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We made our way into the club and onto the dance floor, dancing to the blaring music pumping through the venue. It was completely lit in purple LED, the atmosphere was alluring. I'd never experience anything like it.

I stood at the bar, waiting my turn to order a drink. I'd started to feel the pill kick in, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious not knowing what was to come. Someone came from behind me, placing their hands on either side of the bar as I stood in between their hands. I looked down at the hands either side of me, rings lined their fingers. I knew those hands all too well.

"Two water's please, mate." Spider said to the bartender, who I hadn't even noticed was stood in front of me, waiting to for me to place my order. I rolled my eyes, turning around only to be inches away from his face. "Come to annoy me some more Spencer?" I asked with a derisive smile. Spider twisted his neck slightly, staring into my eyes with a fierce stare. He chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"Do you see any space at this bar?" He questioned, making me look to each side of the bar. Indeed, there was no space. I looked back up at him, biting the inside of my cheek as he peered down at me. "I'll take that apology now, Ditsy."

I scoffed, now it was my turn to shake my head and laugh. "Apology for what?" I raised my eyebrow and folded my arms at his ridiculous request. "Oh, maybe stealing my property? Telling me nobody wants me?" He listed off, his arms still cocooning my frame. I felt his thumb brush against my arm, drawing patterns into my skin.

"I already apologised for that, and you brought that on yourself." I argued, He said nothing as I turned to face the bar to grab one of his waters. "I just don't understand why we can't just... be friends?" I asked, turning back to face him. He lifted his hand, his finger grazing up my arm and over my shoulder until it hooked under my choker.

My breath hitched, unable to control the butterflies in my stomach I held my breath. Spider pulled me toward him gently with his finger in my choker and leaned into my face, our cheeks brushing together as his lips reached my ear. What was happening? It was so intense, I didn't know what to do, how to act or what to say. He hummed into my ear.

"Maybe I don't want to be your friend."

He was gone before I could reply, though I wasn't sure if I was capable of mustering together any words after that interaction anyway. I composed myself, taking a deep breath as I walked back over to the group, my legs like jelly and heart racing at an excessive pace. I couldn't tell if it was because the pill had kicked in or because of what had just unfolded, though either way it was an intense high.

I was fucked

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I was fucked.

I couldn't make sense of much, I was just about holding myself up as everybody danced around me. I had found myself dancing with Missy, our hands intertwined as we rolled our bodies to the beat of the music. I glanced over to Dougie and Darren, who looked loved up on the dance floor as if they were the only two in the room.

After Darren's dance on stage, I'd noticed Dougie get a little bit jealous when Darren had run into an old friend. Soon, they'd snuck off. I knew what was to come once they'd snuck off, I'll be forcing all the details out of both of them in the morning.

I felt a hand snake around my waist, pulling me toward them. My vision was obscure and I was clammy from the heat inside the club, though I carried on dancing, I was struggling to catch my breath. Ant pulled me closer, our bodies pressed together tightly, swaying in unison. We had all taken something, so we was all feeling it. "Ant.." I breathed out, struggling to gather the air necessary into my lungs. I needed space, it was all becoming too much.

He placed his hand on the back of my head, pulling my face toward his. Before I could push him away, his lips were pressed to mine, kissing me ardently. I didn't kiss him back. I didn't want to kiss him back. I gathered the energy to place my hands on his chest, ready to push him away with all the force I could muster. Suddenly, Ant was ripped away from me and pulled across the dance floor. Spider pushed him multiple times, Dusty coming over to the boys quickly.

"What the fuck are you doing? Do you see how fucked up she is? She can barely stand!" Spider shouted in a fiery rage, holding Ant by his collar. People turned to face the commotion, Dusty holding Spider in an attempt to calm him down. I watched from a short distance, Amerie coming to my side. "Daisie. What's going on? Are you okay?"

I stumbled around the festival for, what felt like, hours searching for Darren, though they was nowhere to be found. I admitted my defeat, i had lost them. The ketamine had sent me sideways, I couldn't make sense of my bearings. I walked into a music tent, checking my phone in hope that it had magically recharged itself.

Nope, dead.

"Are you okay?" Tears fell from my eyes in frustration as I turned toward the voice. Chook. "I-I've lost my friend." I couldn't stop crying, I was fucked up and alone in the middle of this festival. Chook was alone, Dougie and the others were probably scattered around the festival selling the new load of caps. He took a step closer, his hands moving toward my hips. He grabbed my waist, squeezing softly. I whimpered uncomfortably, trying to pull away from his grasp.

"Don't worry, stay with me. I'll get you home safe." He assured me with a sickening smirk, guiding me out of the tent and ushering me out of the festival. I didn't trust him, i had to get away. As we passed the open bar, I noticed a familiar head of blonde hair making their way past us. "Spider!"

Spider's head snapped in my direction, his eyes narrowed in confusion. "I'm so happy I found you, I better be getting back to my friends." I turned to Chook, smiling through my tears. He shook his head, his smile sinister. "Actually, unless you want Dougie to find out what you've been up to... I think you'll go home." He had an austere voice, his eyes like knives. His fingers were pressing so deeply into my waist that I was sure there would be a bruise in the shape of his hands in the morning.

I looked up at Spider, my eyes pleading him, telling him not to let Chook take me. "Dais, where have you been?" Spider played along, reaching out to grab my arm, though Chook pulled me back. "I'm taking her to her brother, no need to worry. Bro." Chook smirked. I knew whatever Chook had planned, it wasn't to take me to Dougie.

Without warning, Spider pushed Chook forcefully to which he stumbled back quickly, his grasp on my waist falling. Spider grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side, his arm shielding me from Chook. "She's safe with me." Spider said sternly. Chook glared at me as I peer over Spiders arm, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"You're not worth the trouble." Chook scoffed, shooting a harsh stare at Spider before walking away. My lip quivered and I struggled to hold back my cries. Once Chook was out of sight, Spider turned to face me, concern and anger in his eyes. "Daisie. What's going on? Are you okay?"

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