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Chapter song - ocean eyes | Billie Eilish

Spencer stood from the sand and held out his hand for me to take, my eyes wondering from his to the hand extended forward

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Spencer stood from the sand and held out his hand for me to take, my eyes wondering from his to the hand extended forward. I scoffed with a playful smile, taking his hand and letting him pull me to my feet. Spencer grabbed the hem off his T-shirt, pulling it off swiftly to reveal his broad torso and chest. As much as I so desperately tried to keep my eyes on his face, and his face only, I couldn't help my wondering eyes as they trailed down his body.

He kicked off the rest of his clothes and was left down to his boxers, a deep shade of rouge settling on my cheeks as he did so. Spencer took a step toward me, his fingers brushing the hem of my skirt before he slowly began to tug it up. I placed my hands over his quickly, hesitant of his actions. I was insecure within my skin, feeling safe under the fortress of my clothes. Spencer's eyes bored into mine, he didn't have to use words to tell me I was safe. I knew it. I knew I'd always be safe with Spencer.

I was hesitant to take my hands from his, indicating for him to continue, though after a few minutes of his index finger brushing circles onto the bare flesh of my thigh, I relaxed under his touch. Spencer pulled my dress over my head, leaving me in my white lace bra and the underwear to match. He studied me for a moment, his eyes burning into my body with an intense stare. I couldn't help but crumble under his gaze, feeling demeaned beneath him.

Spencer White was the most intense person I'd ever met, ironically. Until I got to know him, I thought him to be unserious, painfully exasperating and callous toward everyone who wasn't Ant or Dusty. I'd never been happier than right now, to admit I was wrong. Spencer did care, Spencer cared significantly. He cared for my safety and comfort, he was gentle. Though he did not trust me, for good reason, I trusted him. Only a short time ago did I find myself wanting nothing more than to be away from him, yet now I couldn't get enough.

I watched Spencer as his eyes tore from my body, facing toward the sea. In an instant, he'd rushed over to the water, splashing as he ran in. I stifled a laugh, watching him dunk his head within the ocean and come back up, brushing his wet hair out of his face.

He looked heavenly.

water speckled across his upper body, his hair slicked back which made my knees tremble. Spencer was perfect.

"Daisie Piggott." He roared from the distance, his voice echoing around the empty beach. Spencer waved his arm to usher me into the water and so I'd wasted no time to drape over to the sea, following him in. The water came to my chest when I'd came to face him, a devoted smile broadened on his lips. Every time I came close to Spencer, I felt myself holding my breath. Though it had become an unintentional habit, I always noticed.

Without warning, he splashed me quickly, soaking my face and hair. I returned his splash, shaking my head as I giggled at his childlike demeanour. "You're a child!" I joked, pushing him deeper into the water, compared to me the sea barely reached Spencer's chest. "Daisie, that would make you a pervert. I won't be critiqued by a perv." He laughed, straightening himself up. I shook my head at his joke, unable to contain my smile as I replied with a sarcastic laugh.

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