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"No. No I don't." Darren said unconvincingly, I approached them quickly, craning my neck to look into their eyes. I knew when they was lying, they wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes if they was lying. I stared at them intensely for a moment, Amerie and Quinni standing behind us, waiting for me to speak.

Darren's eyes narrowed to the floor, and I gasped quietly as they did so. "Oh my god, you do. You like Dougie!" I taunted them, their eyes growing wide. "When did this happened?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow. They searched my face for a moment, unsure of how to answer, though I knew Darren wouldn't lie to me. They huffed, their secret falling apart in their hands.

"A while ago but I don't know what's going on, so I've invited him to find out. I'm sure he likes me, Dais." They said, a pleading expression coming over their eyes. I stayed silent, in profound thought.

Was I supposed to be angry at them? Was i supposed to be angry at Dougie? I feel like I wasn't feeling the emotion I was meant to. I was happy for Darren, they deserved someone as kind hearted as Dougie. As for Dougie, who could I trust more than my best friend to put him on the straight and narrow? And keep him away from the people dragging him down.

"I'm so happy for you, Darren." I smiled up at them, before embracing them tightly. They stood still, unsure of what to do for a moment. I think they was shocked, they expected me to be angry. I could never be angry at Darren. After a moment, they breathed a sigh of relief, hugging me back firmly. Quinni clapped in excitement, joining us in our embrace.

"Ohh, Cash, my eshay baby." Amerie teased, from behind us. Darren grabbed mine and Amerie's arm, dragging us down the hallway as Quinni made a swift exit to go and see Sasha. "Oh, Cash! Such my dick all night long!" Amerie yelled, catching the attention of the other people lingering in the hallway.

"I may be happy for you, but he's still my brother. I don't want to know who's sucking who's dicks!"

 I don't want to know who's sucking who's dicks!"

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"Amerie, It's already on the map." Quinni said from below the table as we settle into 5D a few minutes before SLTs started. "Why? No one cares about the map. Who even came up with that stupid shit anyway." Amerie whined, placing worksheets on the desks before JoJo arrived.

"You did." I said, pulling myself up to sit on the table. "Atleast the hookups on here are legit and not ones from your dreams." Darren shrugged. Quinni and Darren began to bicker about how Amerie had technically kissed Dusty, but the only reason it was on the map was because it was in her dreams first.

Amerie trailed over to the window, peering out as Dusty and Harper came into view, hand in hand. I'd never actually had a conversation with Harper, nor her friends. We were never in the same classes and obviously now I'd befriended Amerie, I'd feel guilty only now conversing to her. I came beside her, also watching them through the window. "Amerie..." I began, her eyes flickering over to me. I sighed, already feeling the discomfort bubbling in my throat. "Why did you put me on that map? I'd never even spoken to him before all of this." I asked.

"Are you kidding me? I've seen the way he's looked at you before... even now. Do you not remember that time his basketball fell in your lap? I could've cut the sexual tension with a knife." She said with a laugh, her eyes expressing that her sentence was clearly obvious. "What are you talking about? Spider hates me." I replied, furrowing my brows at her words.

"You can hate someone and still want to fuck their brains out." She said casually, shrugging like it was a natural thing to say.I laughed at her openness, she had always been confident. Spider made his way past the window, making his way to SLTs. We caught a glimpse of him at the same time, before turning back to eachother. "Plus, you two at the festival? You were fooling nobody." She said, my face screwing into uncertainty.

"What are you talking abo-"

The bell began to ring, signally the beginning of class. Everyone began to pile into the classroom and Amerie walked away to take her seat.

What the fuck was she referring to? What did she see that night? And why hadn't he mentioned it? Fooling nobody? What does that even mean?

A million questioned raced through my mind as I slowly made my way over to my seat next to Dougie, my eyes falling onto Spider on the next table over. They'd exchanged a few crude jokes as two policeman made their way into the classroom, though I took no notice of what they were saying. I was thoroughly disturbed from Amerie's words, itching to know what they meant. The officers began to introduce themselves, splitting us into groups of girls and boys, and took us out of the classroom for an activity.

"So now you know the psychology of an offender and their selection progress... it's time to learn how to get them to?" The officer, who I couldn't remember the name of, ended his presentation. "Rack up?" Darren taunted, everybody unfazed by this gentleman's presentation. The man scoffed, placing his hands on his hips. "Rack off." He corrected. "I'm going to demonstrate some simple self defence moves that you can practice on each other, so who wants to volunteer?" The man encouraged us, though we weren't impressed by his enthusiasm.

"How about you, at the back ay'?" he pointed to Harper, ushering her up to the front. She shook her head, but nonetheless made her way over to the man. "A man has a strong grip on you. You can't pull down or back but the weakest part of the grip is the thumb..." he rambled on, his grip on Harper started to visible make her uncomfortable. I looked around, it seemed nobody had noticed. I watched her with concern, though I was shocked when she pulled out her lighter and jabbed it into the man's arm.

"Did you just burn me?" he asked, unsettled by her actions. "Got you to rack off didn't it?" She said, before grabbing her bag and storming out of the gym. Everyone's eyes watched her leave, Missy getting up to follow her out.

Soon enough we had arrived back into the classroom, the girls complaining about how outdated the presentation was. I glanced back over at Harper, who seemed reserved after what had happened. JoJo came in, standing at the front of the class. "Alright, can you tell me something you learned today?"

Ant made a joke, to the distaste of Sasha who wasn't impressed. "Wait, you didn't get the same sexual assault thing we did?" She asked Ant, who shook his head. "That's bullshit!" Amerie exclaimed, frustrated.

"We don't need it, all right? We are all feminists here. We know how to ask for consent, we use protection. I mean, Malakai the pullout king, he just comes on himself. How's that for equality, Amerie?" The harsh ending to his sentence had received a big reaction from the class, everyone turning to face Amerie.

I felt Amerie's emotion. I was angry for her, I was angry with her. What could Spider get out of exposing Malakai and Amerie's business like that, furthermore, why did Malakai even tell him.

"And where is it you're coming Spider, inside the sock under your pillow? The only way you're getting your dick wet is if you climb a waterspout!"

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