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Chapter Song - After Dark | Mr.Kitty


Spencer led me out of the party, his fingers intertwined in mine as his thumb drew circles on my skin gently

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Spencer led me out of the party, his fingers intertwined in mine as his thumb drew circles on my skin gently. I had missed his touch, I had missed every part of him. A smile was spread across his lips and it failed to fade as we quietly snuck out, finding our way under the streetlights to that familiar place we kept finding ourselves. A short walk from Amerie's and Maroubra beach was in sight. I hummed a short laugh, amused how we did not have to speak a word to know where we would go - we just knew. I think we always knew where to find eachother.

I went to take a step onto the beach, though Spencer quickly pulled me back. I turned to face him, confused by his sudden movement. "We're not going to the beach." He chuckled, my eyebrows furrowing. "So where are we going?" I questioned, allowing him to continue leading me down the path under the streetlight. He stopped for a moment, turning to face me as he brushed a finger on my temple, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. Spencer smiled, planting a quick kiss onto my lips. "Well, I can walk you to your house." He suggested, making me frown. We'd left the party so he could... walk me home?

"Or..." he dragged his words, making me eager to know the alternative. "I can walk you to mine." This time, his voice was a little lower, suggestive almost. I bit my lip, though I could not help the corner's of my mouth quickly forming a sheepish smile. "What do you say? Either way, you're getting home safe." I blushed profusely at his words, admiring the fact that he seemingly did not want to pressure me and all he'd truly cared for was my safety.

I walked up the concrete steps leading to Spencer's front door, his hand not leaving mine as I admired his home

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I walked up the concrete steps leading to Spencer's front door, his hand not leaving mine as I admired his home. Undoubtedly, his house was much nicer than mine, making me quickly feel insecure of the times he'd walked me home. It was perfect home of white brick and grey shingles, the windows wide. I had always lived with nana in our box and had always been content with the space we had, though now I could see why Dougie's friends had always made remarks about it being small and stuffy.

My hands began to sweat as the effects of all the alcohol in my system began to wear off. Now I was here, watching Spencer unlock the front door and push it open, I had only just realised what I had agreed to. The lights were off, no cars in the driveway and Spencer made no attempt of being quiet - it was evident, he was home alone. Once he'd stepped through the door and switched the light on, he held out his hand for me to take. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I had made the right decision. Taking Spencer's hand, I stepped into the foyer, pulling off my heels and placing them beside the door. Spider leaned over me, shutting the door behind me and placed his key onto a small table beside us.

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