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We sat in Darren's bathroom, readying ourself for Mardi Gras tonight

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We sat in Darren's bathroom, readying ourself for Mardi Gras tonight. We were all in high spirits, drinking and dancing as Darren helped us choose our make up to compliment our outfits. Darren and Amerie were chatting about how Malakai had outed their business, Darren swearing that straight men are the worst.

I mean, he wasn't wrong.

I applied the eyeshadow on Quinni's eyes as she stared down at her phone, a somber expression washing over her face. "What's wrong Q?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows and pulling back the brush from her face. She showed me her phone, the texts between her and Sasha indicating why she was upset. I rolled my eyes at Sasha's text, telling Quinni she was going to Missy's pre's instead.

"Lesbians aren't easy to deal with either." Quinni sighed, grabbing her glass of wine from the shelf and downing it quickly. "Everybody sucks." I shrugged, joining her in downing our drinks. "Except us."

"You know how I feel about people that aren't us." Darren said, earning a nod of agreement by everyone. A knock at the door shortly followed as Amerie applied my bold red lipstick, Darren quickly exited the room to open the door. Us girls made our way out of the bathroom as we'd completed our make up, ready for a heavy pregame. I noticed Dougie at the foot of Darren's door, a black eye visible.

I made my way over to the door, brushing my finger over the bruise gently. Dougie winced, causing me to retreat quickly. "Jesus Dougie, what happened? Did Chook do this? Seriously Dougie this isn't oka-"

"Jesus, Daisie. It's Mardi Gras. Lighten up, we'll talk about it later." Dougie said calmly, shrugging off the situation. I clenched my jaw and parted my lips to argue, though something else had caught my attention from the street below. "Is that malakai?" As I spoke, Amerie called out to ask who was at the door.

"Just those nice boys we weren't totally just talking shit about." I laughed at his response, shaking my head as I made my way inside to pour another drink. I didn't want to be the annoying sister getting in the way of Dougie and Darren, I could see something was blossoming between them, and so I'd left them to it. Maybe tonight we'd find out what that was.

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