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My eyes fluttered open, the sun pouring through the cracks of Spencer's blinds making me cringe

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My eyes fluttered open, the sun pouring through the cracks of Spencer's blinds making me cringe. For a moment, I had forgotten where I was, but the heavy weight of Spencer's arms cradling my body quickly reminded me of the previous night. His chin rested on my head, soft snores falling from his lips. I smiled faintly as I pieced together the intimate memories, crimson creeping onto my cheeks.

Who knew that such an asshole could be so loving?

"Spencer." I grumbled, my throat dry and sore from the alcohol I'd consumed last night. I turned to face him, though his eyes remained closed his snores stopped and he breathed a raspy hum. "Have you seen my bag?" I asked, sitting up and tucking the duvet under my arms to hide my unclothed body. "Nana's probably so worried." Spencer sighed, sitting up and flexing his muscles with a dramatic stretch before he stood up and walked around the bed, sitting in front of me.

Spencer stared at me for a moment, taking me aback, and pushed a piece of hair, that had no doubt become a bird nest on top of my head, behind my ear. "Spencer." I stifled a giggle and turned away from him, making him smile. "What is it?" He questioned.

"I've dropped my fuckin' V-plates, Darren's gonna go wild." I laughed, Spencer shaking his head with a chuckle.

"That's fuckin' lame." I smacked his arm playfully, leaning down to the floor and picking up my dress to slip it on, tactically keeping the duvet across my body as I picked it up. "Why are you getting dressed under the covers?" Spencer chuckled, watching me pull the dress over my head and down my waist. I pulled the duvet off, standing from his bed and began to comb my fingers through my head.

"Uh, I'm not sure." I shrugged, though Spencer gave me a weird stare as I shrugged off his question. He stood up, coming behind me and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"You're beautiful." His voice was soft, his chin nestled into the crook of my neck for a moment. I smiled, turning to face him. "So, do you want to, like, do something today? Me and you?" He asked, placing his hands on my waist. I thought about it for a moment, knowing I had no plans today and the initial itinerary was to sit in bed, hungover and anxious.

"I'm sorry, I promised I'd meet Darren." I lied, leaning up and placing a soft kiss to his lips, Spencer nodded understandingly. "Another time. Come on, I'll take you home." Spencer smiled, ushering to the door.

"Jesus, Daisie

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"Jesus, Daisie. What street corner have you been dragged from?" Nana questioned, a look of genuine horror in her eyes as I walked through the front door in last nights outfit. "Get changed before I have a heart attack." She shooed me away, my eyes rolling playfully as i closed the door behind me.

"Did you not even notice i didn't come home Nana?" I questioned as she began to make her way to the living room.

"I'm sure you had a lovely time with Cider, dear." She called out and I couldn't help but laugh. I passed Dougie's door, music coming from his room so loudly that I swear I could've felt the floor vibrate under my feet.

As I passed, his door opened, Dougie stepping out followed by Chook and a few others. "Daisie, where've you been? Why are you dressed like that?" Dougie asked, twisting his face when he noticed my attire. I scoffed, avoiding the eyes of Chook and the others.

"I was at Amerie's party... with Darren." I said, folding my arms. Dougie tensed as I mentioned Darren's name, pulling a jacket on as they got ready to leave.

"Boys, that's the fag that works at the diner right. Don't you want to hang around with some real men, Daisie." My jaw fell agap from Chook's vile words, my cheeks burning with a seething anger.

"Firstly, Da-"

"They're not a man, Chook. And you don't talk about them. Ever, cause..." Dougie hesitated for a moment, An evil smirk washing over Chook's face. "Because they're Daisie's best friend." Chook shook his head, chuckling in Dougie's face though his remained extremely serious. I'd never seen Dougie stand up to Chook, not once, he'd always coward away from an altercation with him to live a simple life, and though he may never feel comfortable to reveal his true feelings for Darren to these disgusting individuals, I was just happy that he felt it necessary to defend Darren.

"Rack off, Cash. It's a joke." Chook scoffed, winking at me quickly before opening the door for everyone to leave. Dougie turned back to look at me for a moment, his face remaining expressionless as it typically did, apart from the corner of his lip turning so slightly it may have been hard for anyone else to notice, but I did. He was proud of himself, as was I.

I practically skipped through the school gate, so excited to tell Darren, Quinni and Amerie about my Saturday night antics that I'd walked straight past Spencer and made my way to the library to meet them all

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I practically skipped through the school gate, so excited to tell Darren, Quinni and Amerie about my Saturday night antics that I'd walked straight past Spencer and made my way to the library to meet them all. As I made my way in, they stood by the door chatting about their less successful Saturday night.

"Hey guys." I said cheerily, smiling widely at my friends. They all looked at me, failing to return the happy looks and instead I was met with melancholy faces, in fact, they all looked down right depressed.

"Daisie, what the hell. We haven't heard from you since the party, i thought you, like, died or something. I even resorted to calling Cash because you didn't pick up your phone. Luckily you did manage to rock up home the next morning." Darren said with a huff, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as I realised that my actions were slightly careless.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't want to call you back yesterday because I knew I'd crack. I had to tell you in person." I sighed, Darren cocking an eyebrow.

"Please tell me after all that effort someone managed to get some dick." Amerie whined, my head falling to the floor with a faint nod.

"Possibly... maybe... a little... or a lot of... sex." A unison of gasps erupted around me, Darren grabbing my arms and giving me a shake. "Say it again."

"I. Had. Sex. With Spider." I said, louder than i initially meant to as a few heads turned to give us weird looks. "And it was amazing." They're once depressing faces quickly beamed, squeals of joy broke out among us and an angry librarian hushed us quickly.

"You dirty birdy, I bet you loved it." Amerie laughed, patting my shoulder. "Not too shabby." I shrugged playfully, Quinni wrapping an arm around me in a side hug. I smiled widely, knowing it could sometimes take a lot for Quinni to come outside her comfort zone this way.

"Amerie." We stopped our celebration, turning to face a stern voice from behind us.

"Come with me."

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