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Chapter Song - Something in the Orange | Zach Bryan

I sat on the sand, brushing the grains through my fingers as I inhaled deep breaths

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I sat on the sand, brushing the grains through my fingers as I inhaled deep breaths. For all I had cared, I'm sure I had been here hours. I left school in a hurry, wanting nothing more than to escape it all. My knees were tucked into my chest as the sun began to fade behind the sea. My feet carried me here impulsively, I only felt at peace when I was on the sand, though my heart was heavy.

I hadn't found myself alone on the beach in a while, it reminded me of Spider. As mysteriously as he came, Spider was gone.

"A little insect told me I might find you here..."

I turned my head toward the familiar voice, sighing a breath of relief at the friendly face watching me. Darren found themselves next to me, sitting down and wrapping an arm around my shoulder in a consoling gesture. I leant my head into their shoulder, finding shelter within Darren's arms. We stayed silent for a moment, cocooned within the safety of eachother.

"Darren, what a fucking mess, ay'?" I laughed, pulling away from them. Darren chuckled, shaking their head at my lighthearted approach to the bittersweet situation. I couldn't revel in my pity party, Darren wouldn't allow it. "A mess, absolutely. What a scandal." They laughed, my hand hitting their arm playfully.

"I'm sorry, Daisie. That was unfair." They smiled sympathetically, the mood turning somber quickly. I sighed, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Darren. You would've definitely knocked the sense into me that I needed." I groaned.

"I get it. I'm one judgemental bitch, there's no way you could've told me and gotten away with it." Darren shrugged, making me giggle. "You really are." I replied, Darren smirking in agreement. We quickly fell silent, unsure of what to say of the situation.

"Do you like Spider?" They questioned, making me suck in a sharp breath. I didn't want to admit it, I wanted nothing more than to hate Spider right now. I sighed in annoyance, unable to lie. "Pathetically, I suppose." I mumbled, looking down at the sand.

"He seemed pretty... angry. Like, genuinely, after what happened. It was pretty hot." Darren shrugged, my eyes rolling playfully at their words. Darren's eyes narrowed into mine, scoffing before continuing. "I'd say he likes you back."

"How could he say that about me, Darren? He literally told me he was in love with m-"

"Wait, what!" Darren gasped, grasping my arm tightly in shock. Only now had I realised how little Darren knew of it all, the guilt eating me alive that I hadn't come to my best friend in the first place. "At the festival, he told me he loved me. I thought he was joking... I really hurt his feelings. That's why he hated me so much at the beginning of term, I couldn't believe it when I'd remembered what happened. We kissed, the night of the gig. But how I'd reacted when he'd told me he loved me must've really hurt him, he wanted me... in secret." I explained, Darren listening intently.

"But he did not take my V-plates! To be clear, that was a lie." Darren nodded, soaking in all the details of what had happened between Spider and I. "I don't care that he told Dusty, I told even care if he lied about us having sex. But... 'Unfuckable freak'? That's harsh as, Darren. God knows what else he's said about me to his mates for a cheap laugh."

"Well, why don't we give him a taste of his own medicine? There's no way he can get away with embarrassing you like that without some repercussions. Spider's must be squished." Darren cocked an eyebrow, smirking as they spoke. I faced them, furrowing my brow, though I knew exactly what Darren meant.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

A quick interruption snapped us out of our scheming, Darren quickly pulling out their phone to see Dougie calling them. "Oh my god." They breathed, making me laugh. I zoned out of the quick phone conversation, Darren squealing playfully when they'd hung up the phone.

"He totally ignored my nude, now he wants me to come over... the boy is a mystery." Darren's eyes were wide with excitement as they bolted up from the floor, grasping my hand to pull me up quickly. We made our way off the beach, brushing ourselves off.

Darren peered down at me, struggling to contain their smile. "If I were you, I'd make alternate sleeping arrangements tonight."

I sat in the gym between Darren and Amerie, watching Malakai play horrifically in the basketball game taking place

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I sat in the gym between Darren and Amerie, watching Malakai play horrifically in the basketball game taking place. He didn't look well, like his head was in a million places but here. After Mardi Gras and what he'd done to Amerie, I could only imagine the thoughts swirling through his head. I couldn't help but feel commiseration for him.

They'd called half time as Malakai missed a direct shot, to the dismay of his teammates. I avoided Spider's gaze every time his eyes fell to me, successfully looking anywhere else but to him. It was painful to be so distant from him so suddenly after how he'd made me feel that night on the beach, though it was inevitably necessary.

The cheerleaders began an elaborate routine, keeping the crowd energetic as we waited for the game to resume. I tapped Amerie's arm as I noticed Malakai make his way out of the gym hurriedly, pushing through the doors and out of sight. All our eyes fell onto him, Woodsy quickly intervening on everyone's confusion as he left. "Bit of a hiccup, everyone take five." She spoke into the mic before rushing after Malakai.

As Darren and Amerie began to whisper about Malakai's quick exit, i noticed Spider come to Dusty's side from the corner of my eye. I peered over, watching him explain crudely how him and Malakai began to fight in the locker rooms over his poor performance, telling Dusty that Malakai had 'shat his pants'.

I scoffed at the audacity of Spider, shaking my head as I watched him. Spider thought he was untouchable, evidently. I didn't appreciate what Malakai had done to Amerie, but after what Spider, Dusty and Ant had done to me as a collective made my blood boil as he causally talked shit about Malakai. Clearly Spider's anger toward Dusty was short lived as they sat laughing.

Before I could comprehend my actions, I shot up from my seat, stomping my way down the bleachers to grab the microphone. Darren's eyes widened at my movement, taking no action to stop me. They knew what was coming.

"Hey, Spider." The gym fell silent, Spider's eyes boring into mine as I stood confidently. "I thought I should take a minute to apologise for being... what did you call it? An 'Unfuckable freak'? You know, I might have believed you a few weeks ago. Is that how you speak about the people you're in love with, Spider? Remember how funny it was when you told me that, ay'? Because you're a joke? Though, I suppose I should be glad, maybe your dickless, arsehole friend will stay away from me after already being rejected twice. Just because I don't want to fuck a cunt like you, Spider, it doesn't mean i'm unfuckable. It means I actually have a brain cell. And In the spirit of cleaning up trash, I'm done with you."

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