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After an interesting discussing about the meaning of a 'lazy kebab', and Quinni asking if either Darren or me would take a look at her flaps to see if they're normal, to which we quickly declined

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After an interesting discussing about the meaning of a 'lazy kebab', and Quinni asking if either Darren or me would take a look at her flaps to see if they're normal, to which we quickly declined. An announcement flooded through the speakers and spread across the school...

"Will the following students please meet at classroom 5D:..."

Woodsy continued to name students and we listened intently. "Sounds like a bunch of dickheads" I joked to Darren and Quinni.

"Daisie Piggott... Darren Rivers... Quinni Gallagher-Jones..."

"Damn it!" I huffed, pulling my backpack onto my shoulder. "What?" Quinni questioned, shocked our names were being called out. Quinni and I never got in to trouble, nor drew attention to ourselves intentionally. Unlike Darren, we weren't very loud or Elaborate, and with someone like Darren as our best friend it was the perfect balance within our friendship.

We made our way into the classroom, greeted by the English teacher, JoJo. We sat down and I took a look around the room. Everyone in here, conveniently, was on the incest map. I look over at Dusty, who was chatting with Spider about going to the cemetery tomorrow.

"Oi, what's the cemetery?" If this was Darren's way of 'putting us out there' like they'd been banging on about over the summer, I think the map did that enough today already. "None ya biz, bong water" Spider crudely joked, I turned to face him, his eyes locked with mine briefly. He still had the same hard stare, his eyes were almost... cold? My breath hitched, and I quickly turned to face JoJo as she and Woodsy began to explain why we'd all been called here, my mind drifted elsewhere as they spoke.

Darren and I joined the crowd at one of the tents in the festival, the sun started to go down and we were on a really good vibe. It was just Darren and I, as this wasn't really Quinni's thing. Well truth be told it wasn't mine either, but I couldn't let Darren go on their own.

Darren pulled out a small baggy of white, crystallised powder. I looked at them attentively as they slyly sniffed a small bump off it from his key. They turned to glance at me, wiping their nose. "What some? It's not bad" Darren questioned, and I thought about it for a moment.

"What is it? Is it safe?" I questioned, as they dipped their key back into the bag and put a little bit more of the crystallised powder onto the tip of the house key.

They scoffed playfully, bringing the key toward my nostril. "It's ket, and yes It's safe. If you start to feel weird at all. Let me know, I'll look after you." They said kindly, I looked at the key and back at them once or twice, before hesitantly sniffing the powder. I scrunched my nose, the tingling sensation subsiding after a few second. I looked up at Darren and smiled, both of us laughing in unison.

We started to jump and dance, and I'd decided that maybe the ketamine wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be. "Tonight is gonna change our lives." He shouted over the loud dancing music, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the front of the crowd.

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