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"Look at all these fresh little sluts getting up in here

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"Look at all these fresh little sluts getting up in here... This one happened at Dusty's party."

"And this one didn't."

I scribbled out mine and Ants names as they were conjoined with a line, the word 'fucked' between them.
Amerie, Darren and I laid under the table in 5D looking over all the fresh writing on the newest incest map. "Who do you think is doing this?" I asked, tracing my finger over the graffiti.

"It doesn't matter who's doing it! This stupid map ruined my life. I hate that there's a version 2.0." Amerie complained, I leant my head on her shoulder for comfort. "You know, nobody would judge you if you wanted to do something with Ant. I mean, clearly everybody's doing it." Amerie said. I sighed, turning to face her.

"It's not about what people are and aren't doing, if I wanted to I would've. I don't like Ant. Just because other people find the fun in hook-ups doesn't mean I do." I defended myself, completing the scribble of mine and Ants names as Amerie nodded understandingly.

"Daisie here will be a virgin for the rest of her life before she changes her morals, stubborn little bitch." Darren sassed, making me giggle. "Wait, excuse me!" Quinni ran over quickly, laying between Amerie and I. She grabbed the marker from my hand and proceeded to write hers and Sasha's name in a little heart.

Darren grabbed her thigh in shock. "Sorry, what?" They asked. "We're in a relationship, obviously." Quinni said calmly, slapping the cap onto the pen. I gasped dramatically, placing a hand on my chest. "After hooking up once, how textbook lesbian of you!" I joked.

"Well, i am never ending up on that map again, romance is dead to me." Amerie said sadly, sitting up from the floor and propping herself onto the table. We followed in suit, sitting beside her. "Well Amerie, romance has always been dead to me and I still ended up on that map." I replied, cocking my eyebrow at her.

"I never should've put you on ther-"

"Alas, a conversation for another time." I stopped her, knowing she was hurting deeply by what had happened at the party with Harper and Dusty. "I spent years obsessing over Dusty and for what? I just ended up completely humiliated. I'm an idiot. I don't wanna think about boys... or sex... or dicks for the next... however long it takes to feel normal again. I'm not even gonna mazz." She said in a huff.

"That sounds like my worst nightmare." Darren said with an eye roll. "How does one come to not think about sex?" I asked, confused. Let's be honest, even the best of students and goodest of girls thought about sex.

"I'll just... train myself not to. Every time I get a sexy thought, I'm gonna slap myself in the face." Amerie says, as she slaps herself on the cheek. Quinni gasped in realisation. "You could get a hobby!" She said excitedly, jumping up from the table.

"Good idea Quinni, they have a noticeboard in the quad for all those extracurricular activities?" I suggested, shrugging my shoulders. "Yes! Super wholesome and not sexy at all." Amerie said, agreeing with my idea. Amerie grabbed my arm, dragging me off the table.

"And you, Daisie Piggott, will be joining me."

"Wait, what?"

After looking around at some of the extracurricular activities unwilling, including the blatantly named 'Haha' club

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After looking around at some of the extracurricular activities unwilling, including the blatantly named 'Haha' club. Amerie and I had decided that maybe, if Sasha still didn't hate Amerie, she'd let us into the environmentalists club. Walking through the courtyard, I saw Malakai and Spider exit the gym in their basketball uniform.

Spider's muscles flexed as he stretched his arms up, the bottom of his shirt lifting up vaguely to expose his torso, causing me to hitch my breath quietly. Malakai started to make his way over and I quickly looked away, giving Amerie a smile. "I'll let you two chat." I said discreetly with a wink, carrying on my journey into the hall.

I made my way over to the gym door, as walking through took me directly to where Sasha hosted the 'queer environmentalist social justice' club. Though I doubt she would let someone in who could just about remember the name of the club. Spider stood in front of the door, waiting for Malakai to finish talking to Amerie.

As I stride over, Ant makes his way through the doors. I turn on my heels quickly, though before I could make a swift exit the other way... "Hey, Daisie!" Ant called out, stopping me in my tracks. I rolled my eyes, my attempt to avoid him clearly noticed. I turned to face Ant, and made my way towards him.

"I'm really sorry about Friday, I shouldn't of... it wasn't cool of me to make that assumption just because you didn't want to, uh... kiss me." He said, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably. I smiled awkwardly, knowing exactly what he meant. I had no idea how long Spider was outside the bathroom door for on Friday, but I can say with confidence that he knew what assumption Ant was talking about.

"It's fine Ant, honestly." I forgave him, not wanting to get into the details of what unfolded. "But people think we... you know." I sighed, turning my head to face the ground. Spider scoffed, Ant shooting him a look of disapproval. I ignored him, a deep blush settling on my cheeks. "I don't want something getting around that's not true."

"Don't worry Dais, I gotcha." He says with a smile.

"Someone is creating another incest map, I don't know who it is but they're working fast. We was already there when I looked this morning. I just hope that whoever it is realises the damage that the first one did, can't be undone. No good can come of another one." I said with shrugged. Ant quickly looked at Spider, as Spider did Ant. Spider looked down at me, something washed over his eyes that I couldn't quite make out.

I furrowed my eyebrows, concerned by their weird reaction. "Do you know who it is?" I asked, raising my brow. "No! We just... we already knew about it. We saw it this morning too." Ant said defensively, his answer not convincing me one bit. "Anyway, gotta go. Maths awaits." He laughed tensely, fiddling with his sleeves. I nodded slowly, watching Ant make a quick excite.

Spider turned to follow him, though I called his name softly to stop him for a moment. "Spider." he turned to face me again, looking down at me curiously. He took a step closer toward me, my head turning up slightly to meet his eye. "Do you know who created the map?" I questioned with a gentle tone. He looked down at me in deep thought, his eyes travelled across my pleading express.

If ant knew, Spider did too. His expression was soft, his eyes not sharing that same cold stare he usually had. I wanted him to tell me something, anything, that wasn't a lie. He parted his lips to answer, though he was interrupted by Ant. "Spider, you comin' bro?" He shouted from across the courtyard.

We both turned to face Ant, and quickly looked back at eachother. Spider began to retreat from me, taking a couple steps backwards. His eyes changed quickly, and the passionless stare returned with no hesitation.


And with that, he turned his back and walked away.

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