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Chapter song - Candy | Paolo Nutini |Spider's song|

I shot up, seeing the folded up piece of paper resting on the night stand

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I shot up, seeing the folded up piece of paper resting on the night stand. I'd forgotten completely about it, It was the paper that had fallen out of Spiders pocket. I picked it up, and questioned the morality of my actions for a moment. After some time, I decided to open the folded paper.

I was perched outside in the pouring rain
Trying to make myself a sail
Then I'll float to you, my darlin'
With the evening on my tail

A song, a beautifully illustrated song it seems.

Although not the most honest means of travel
It gets me there nonetheless
I'm a heartless man at worst
And a helpless one at best

Darling, I'll bathe your skin
I'll even wash your clothes
Just give me some candy before I go
darling, I'll kiss your eyes
And lay you down on your rug
Just give me some candy after my hug

I shut the paper without finishing, biting my lip and placing the it next to me. It was good, really good. It wasn't the kind of music I heard at the gig last weekend, and it definitely didn't correspond with Spider's usual inhospitable personality. I wondered if he's written about somebody, what headspace he was in when he'd written it... but I wondered most of all...

How the hell I was getting it back to him without him finding out I'd taken it.

I sat outside the diner with Dougie, taking small sips of my banana milkshake as we chatted, Darren would occasionally come over and join the conversation when nobody was waiting to place an order

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I sat outside the diner with Dougie, taking small sips of my banana milkshake as we chatted, Darren would occasionally come over and join the conversation when nobody was waiting to place an order. "Ashcay, how's it going man?" Chook said, making his way over with his gang of delinquents, greeting Dougie with a handshake. "Daisie, lookin' beautiful as always." He smirked, winking playfully. I hummed in response, avoiding his gaze as I turned my back.

"Haven't seen ya' since the rammy man, where ya' been?" I rolled my eyes, tuning out their conversation regarding their illegal antics. I had no time for Chook and his friends, i didn't agree with how he forced Dougie to engage in his unlawful activities. Chook had a mask, and a convincing one at that.

Dougie swiftly turned down an invitation from Chook to hang out with an excuse that nanna had an appointment, and I smiled proudly with my back turned. It was time Dougie took control of the people he was hanging around with. I watched Darren make their way over to clean the coffee machine in front of us, their eyes burning into the two boys. I raised an eyebrow visibly over my sunglasses, wondering why he was being so nosey.

Why am I even questioning that? Darren was the most inquisitive human I'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. "Uh, is your nan okay?" Darren questioned kindly toward Dougie, not even taking a second glance in my direction as I turned back to face my brother.

"She's fine, there's no appointment." Dougie laughed, making Darren smile. "Oh, so we're fibbing to the boys now?" Darren teased, eyebrow raised.

"What is happening..." I murmured to myself, pushing my glasses up my nose. "Well actually I was wondering if you wanted to, uh, hang?" Dougie asked gingerly, failing to meet Darren's eye. "With Daisie an-and me." He quickly finished, stuttering his words. Darren looked between us for a moment, my face in pertinent shock.

"Sure." Darren replied, Dougie smiled and responded. "Just text me when you get off work or something."

"Yeah, easy. It's a date, guys." Darren said, before leaving Dougie and I to ourselves. I slowly turned to face Dougie with a million questions, though I didn't want to be pushy. I can only imagine that when Nanna and I had advised him to make new friends, he'd seen how amazing mine were... or

"Dougie, is there something you want to tell me?" I asked, nudging elbow with my own. Dougie turned to face me, shaking his head. "No, why?"

"Why are you asking Darren to hang out with us tonight? You knew already that I was going to Quinni's." I questioned, cocking my head to the side. Dougie had been giving off this different vibe for a few weeks now, like he was blossoming into something... or, someone more.

"Oh. I must of forgot." He shrugged with a quiet scoff. I peered over to where Darren was across the diner, watching them for a moment. I had noticed them interacting more recently, but it was all so strange to see after years of them never acknowledging each other's presence. Whatever it was that was bringing them together, I couldn't deny it was bringing Dougie out of his shell.

"You know you can talk to me about anything... or anyone, right Dougie?" I smiled, making him drop his shoulders, as if a weight had been lifted from them. He returned the smile, taking a chip from the basket in front of me. "I know, Daisie."

"I'd better go, I have to be on time for my Quinni bear." I said, Dougie replying with a quick nod. getting up from my chair, I made my way to collect my stuff to take to Quinni's for our sleepover tonight.

The diner wasn't a far walk from our home, and so within 10 minutes I'd made it back. I made my way into my bedroom and started to pack my bag for Q's, stuffing my pj's and a change of clothes inside.

I went over to my nightstand, leaning in to grab my phone charger, when I spotted it. The song. I thought for a moment, picking it up and staring at it intently. It was a Friday, 4:30pm. A lot of the after school clubs ran until five. If I was quick, I could return the paper without being caught by faculty. Or worse... Spider. I picked up my phone, quickly sending Quinni a text.

Sorry Q! Got to stay with Nanna, she's not feeling well. Rain check? 🤍x
- Daisie

Quinni was understanding, wishing my nan a quick recovery for the illness she didn't have. I felt guilty, super guilty, but I could hang out with Quinni any day. I wanted the weight of this silly song off my shoulders, I may of felt bad lying to Quinni but I felt even worse stealing such a personal thing from Spider, even if he was a tyrant.

I grabbed a large hoodie, pulling it over my head. I didn't want anyone to see me slipping the paper through the cracks of Spider's locker, how would I even explain my actions for that one? I sat on my bed for a moment, contemplating my excuses if I was to be caught.

With a sigh, I got up and made my way out, prepared to not be scared...

For once.

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