07: Angel

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Few weeks later,

"Yahh you're doing wrong, Ms Lee will kill us if we do like this", Minji yelled.

"Okay Ms. Topper, we'll listen to you, just don't yell you're too noisy", Yeonjun remarked only to get a slap on his back from her.

"Minjiahh is this right?", Esther said showing her poster to Minji.

"Yep..", and turned to Yeonjun, "see.. she's much more talented than you"

"Is it?", Yeonjun hold Minji and lifted her up, "yahh put me down"

"No first say sorrieeee"

"No way"

"Put her down, we have to finish this project... it's already late", Esther said softly as Yeonjun put her down and continued to do his work, "if she didn't say then you would be dead today" Yeonjun said to Minji again getting a slap from her on his back.


"Just shut up"

So what happened? Yes they became good friends... it'll be wrong if we say Minji isn't jealous anymore... she still feels jealousy but she thought of it many times and decided to ignore it as it's also true that she can't hide from the world all time, she also needs to make friends and about Yeonjun,

She knows she likes him but she thinks he doesn't like her but one thing, she never felt Esther, like other girls who will stole her best friend, rather she likes her as a good friend... Esther is kind and caring, sometimes she also thinks her as an angel compared to her.

Currently they're doing their project in group in Minji's house.

"I'll make hot chocolates for us", Minji got up as they nodded.



"Minji is too lonely right?", Esther asked.

"Hmm", Yeonjun took a deep sigh, "why that misfortune happened to her, she doesn't have anyone but me... I try my best not to hurt her but you know everyone misses their family"

"Yeah.. we'll be her forever best friends", Esther smiled at him while he looked at her eyes dazzling showing how much pure she is.



"Did you ever love someone?", Yeonjun asked.

"Why asking?"

"Just wanted to know... nevermind if you-"

"Yes, I was in States then, he was my school friend but due to business we moved here in Korea, we never talked after that"

"Do you miss him?", Yeonjun asked .

"Not really, that was ages ago.. and besides we should forget the past and focus on present... love isn't a crime.. we had someone doesn't mean we cannot love anyone later"

"I also think so now", Yeonjun said straight looking at her eyes, their faces are close, she gulped.

"Your eyes are so beautiful"

"Are you just trying to flirt with me?", Esther asked, Yeonjun moved away in embarrassment.

"I-I am just saying.. why would I flirt with you, I never dared to flirt with that girl", he pointed Minji who is putting three cups on a tray.

"Yeah okay okay... finish this now", Esther said with a straight face but she can't hide her red cheeks as both of them blushed.

"Here our hot chocolates", Minji gave the cups, "umm Esther why your face is so red? Are you sick", Minji put her hands on her forehead to check, "drink this, warm... you should go home and take rest, me and Yeonjun can finish the rest"


"I'll walk you home, it's dark", Yeonjun got up but looked at Minji, she smiled.

While walking neither of them dared to talk anything,

"S-see you tomorrow t-then", Yeonjun said.

"Y-yeah bye"

When Yeonjun returned he noticed Minji working on the project fully focused.

"Is she okay?", Minji asked making him flinched.

"Yeah I guess"

"Hmm she should also take care of herself, she eats too less"

"And who is saying Ms Chopstick"

"Yahhh just do your work", she yelled and pouted.

Yeonjun chuckled at her as his heart fluttered again... at this very moment he is confused, so much confused but he knew Minji from childhood and he thinks she only sees him as her best friend nothing more, so he decided to move on.

 at this very moment he is confused, so much confused but he knew Minji from childhood and he thinks she only sees him as her best friend nothing more, so he decided to move on

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Misunderstanding ruins everything
It is good if we tell the truth while we have time

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