29: Cure?

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Flashback 3 years ago,

"Mom what did I do!? Please come to your senses!"

"No you killed your father! You last talked to him and then he went outside and-"


"SHUT UP! I will kill you!"

16 years old Minji ran to her room as her mother took the knife and chased her. But fortunately she safely locked the door.

"COME OUT you little brat!"

"Please mom clam down. Please! You're not like this", Minji sobbed behind the door, "What happened to you!"


Minji fall on the floor sobbing as her mother banged the door multiple times. She cried and cried till she fell asleep.

After some hours ,didn't know how many hours have passed but she didn't hear any sound so she opened the door.

Minji peeped through it and can see none, so she decided to come out. Her eyes were searching everywhere until it came fixed on the sofa. Her mother was sitting there backfacing her with the knife in her hand.

She gulped.


Her mother faced her as she called. She brust in crying and stood up.

"Minjiahh I'm so sorry. I'm really a bad mother!"

Minji went to her and hugged her, "Shhh... I'm okay mom. Don't cry"

"How can I not? I was about to kill you", She cried.

"But I'm okay", she caressed her back, "Mom you should take rest", tightened the hug while sobbing.

"I have to be strong", she mumbled.

Back to present,


Yeonjun gasped as Namjoon explained, "Yes, I'm suspecting that, we have to do some tests to be sure"

"Doctor can you explain me in detail?"

Yeonjun asked before taking a glance at Minji who is listening to him blankly.

"It is a psychotic disorder. Person of any age can have this but the main reason is genetics"


"I talked to her and she told me about her mom, I'm guessing she was a patient of schizophrenia"

"What? B-but-"

Yeonjun looked at Minji as she looked away not to make eye contact with him. Namjoon noticed that.

"Minji can you tell me her name, so that I can search fo-"

"Okay", she answered faintly and turned her face again.

"Minji you're so intelligent and that's why I'm telling you", Namjoon smiled at her, "If you feel she's again talking to you, you have to just ignore her okay. She is doing everything you need-"

"I know that! I tried to ignore her but she kept saying that I'll end up listening to her"

"That's what you shouldn't do okay? I'm also giving you medicine", He smiled at her as she pursed her lips to make a thin line, "you'll be okay Minji"

"What? She? Who? I can't understand anything. Doctor could you-"

"You don't need to explain anyone about me", Minji said starnly to Namjoon as he answered,

"Minji, he's your friend. He cares for you", Minji glanced at Yeonjun as he looked down sadly, "can you wait for us a little"

Minji looked at him and then left the room.

"She hates me"

"No she doesn't."

Yeonjun looked at Namjoon as he smiled at him, "She'll be cured right?", Yeonjun asked nervously.

"You both are too young, I'm feeling bad for her-"

"That means she won't be cured?", Yeonjun's voice cracked and eyes started tearing up.

"I never said that", he looked at him, "Schizophrenia is majorly a genetical disorder and the patient hallucinates most of the times, sometimes they make some imaginary characters that manipulates them, that's what is happening to her", Yeonjun sadly looked at him as he added,

"and the truth is there is no cure of it. We cannot remove it completely but we can make it sleep"


"Yes. All she need is a very much support from her close ones and some medication. I'm sure she'll be fine"

"But what if it comes again"

"We cannot predict the future. May be if she gets her life long support she'll be cured completely, though the chance is only 5%, but I'm sure if she doesn't we can still prevent it because I felt she's so much strong mentally, all what she needs is support"

"Thank you doctor"

"No problem", he smiled, "but you can call me Namjoon"

••🥀••Sorry I don't know anything about Psychology, if I wrote something or completely wrong don't take it seriously

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Sorry I don't know anything about Psychology, if I wrote something or completely wrong don't take it seriously.
This story is just for entertainment purposes and everything is imaginary here.

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