Chapter 5: Emotional About the Moon

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The sky was alive with its vivid blues and hues as the mesmerizing view of the line across the sky leading towards the distance seemed to be never-ending. The horizon conceals so much in its veil, no one can help but wonder what lies beyond it. What calls out to you? What do you...

"...Kev...Kev...KEVIAR?!" She screamed, breaking his concentration from the clouds zipping out past the horizon towards them.

"What?!" He answered, jumping as he turned his head at her.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked, placing her hand on her hip as she stood in the doorway.

"Umm, I think so..." he replied, as he turned back to look at the sky from the balcony.

"I told you that we have to get ready for the Full Moon Gathering, Dad's waiting for us," she said, fixing her navy blue hair behind her ear.

"Isn't that till tomorrow though?" He asked, turning around to fully face her.

"Yeah, but Dad wants to do a full run-through at least once before all the council members arrive tomorrow night," he continued. Her dark brown skin gleamed in the midday sun as the clouds shifted out of its way.

"But that's so boring," he said, dragging out his words, followed by a cheeky little chuckle.

"Come on," she said, sucking her teeth. "You sound like Raf, it's not even that bad."

"Hey Kameron, what's taking so long?"

"Why'd you come?" She asked the man behind her as he walked up to both of them.

"I don't wanna be there by myself," he replied. "It's so boring," he continued, dragging out his words.

"See even Raf thinks so," Keviar replied, chuckling as he got up from his seat on the balcony walking back into the room.

"Just come on, please," she whined, grabbing his hand as she pulled him towards the door.

"I mean we all have to go anyways sooo..." he replied, letting her pull him out into the hallway.

"What were you staring at so deeply before I screamed at you?" She asked as the three of them walked down the hallway. The velvet sheen of the crimson carpet stretched all the way down the wide corridor.

"He was doing it again?" Rafael asked as he trailed along behind them, his vibrant green eyes dulled by the ever-present strands hanging hair in front of them. The sleepy, unamused impression stretched across his face never seemed to change as his monotone voice butted into the conversation.

"Yes, that's like the fourth time since yesterday, right?" She said, looking back at Rafael in agreement.

"I like cloudwatching, is all," Kev said, trying to play it off.

"Mhm right," she said, side-eyeing him.

"Come on Kam, don't be like that," he said, positioning his hands behind his head, his elbows sticking up, all smug as he tried to play it off.

"To me, it looks like you're waiting for something to happen, or someone to show up," Kam replied as they continued towards the big door at the end of the hall where two guards stood in the way.

"Hey Con, hey So, wazzaaa," Kev said, his tongue hanging out trying to get them to smile. "I'll get you two one of these days."

"Welcome your majesties, allow us," the guards said as they stepped to either side of the door slowly sliding it open.

As the doors opened into a massive banquet hall, two men stood towards the center engaged in a deep conversation.

"Thank you," they all said as they entered the hall.

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