Chapter 12: Kanpai

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After a brief moment of silence, everyone looked amongst themselves impatiently waiting for the next session of the meeting to begin.

"Now, seeing as there are no pressing issues left to discuss, let us move on to the State of the Union address and plans for the upcoming Founding Day," Dante said as Yohan handed over a stack of papers.

"Founding Day will commence as planned two weeks from today," he said. "Councilman Hassan and I have hammered out the budget for the celebration and parade which shall commence from the palace into the capital city, and return again."

"Humanitarian aid will be provided to surrounding villages via contributions from our esteemed guests here tonight," he continued. "Prayers from head priestess Inoru will precede the fireworks display and all transportation services will be halted."

"Are there any grievances, or conflicts of interest with this plan?" He asked.

"No, Your Highness," everyone said in unison.

"Alright, moving on."

Followed by more discussion and deliberation, the hours sped by as the night quickly took hold.

"Keeping in time with our itinerary tonight," Dante said. "I would like to invite you all to dinner cooked by our incredible palace staff."

"Please feel free to converse until the food arrives."

As everyone got up to stretch their legs, Keviar lept into action, going straight to Yohan who walked towards the door to the kitchen.

"Yohan, Yohan wait!" he yelped, trying to catch up to him.

"Yes, Sir Keviar, how can I help you?" He asked.

"I thought Councilwoman Akari would be here, do you know where she is?"

"During the meeting, I received word that she was held up in the Northern Village dealing with a crisis and could not make it to the meeting this year," Yohan replied.

"Do you have a way of contacting her by any chance?" He asked eagerly.

"Her assistant said that she may be hard to reach for the next three days due to the crisis, however, that is all she said."

"Ugh, okay, um what about her assistant do you have the Tweet you used to contact her?"

"No, I left it in the kitchen," he replied.

"Okay great, I'll come with you then," he said, eagerly.

"Keviar!" Ekon yelled out.

"Yeah?" He said turning around.

"Where you running off to?" He asked. "Don't you wanna talk to your favorite uncle?"

"Uncle, um yeah I'll be right there," he said, holding his finger in the air.

"Keviar!" Dante yelled out.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To the kitchen with Yohan, I need to get something," he said.

"You know you're not allowed in the kitchen again after you blew up the oven," Dante said, turning him around.

"Now go say hi, to your uncle, I'll be right there."

"But Dad..."

"Uh uh no buts, go," he said, pushing Keviar further and further from the door.

As he walked up to Ekon, his uncle towered over him, his shadow eclipsing the ground.

"Hey uncle," Keviar said smiling, as he moved in for a hug.

"Hey little man," he said as they embraced.

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