Chapter 27: Family Should Stick Together

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"What do I do Jo?" Joseph said, tears running out of his eyes. "Family only get hurt around me."

His mind wandered once again as the stars revealed themselves in the sky above, back to the night where this all started.


As the two of them approached the party endless chatter and laughter could be heard flowing out of the village square.

"Well here we go," Joseph said as they walked up to the entrance.

The party was full of laughter and lights, as colorful lanterns hung off the posts that dug into the ground. Teenagers gossiped and flocked after Nakoa and his new tattoo. His broad shoulders and athletic physique were becoming of a young man, which only amassed the crowd behind him even more. The tribal pattern all over his shoulder and forearm, still red and irritated from the long process of the elders' tattooing him. The young women at the party sported their Haku lei (flower crown) matching their outfits and dresses, which only added to the festive bursts of color as the sun continued to set behind them.

"Remember what Kai said," Joseph whispered as they entered the square.

"I know, I know," she said, fanning him away like a pestering fly.

"We still have to say hi to him though, it is his party," she replied.

"Ugh, saying hi to him will only escalate things," Joseph said, looking around as people began to notice him.

"We just have to get through saying hi, handing him the poi and that's it," Jo replied. "I'm sure we can handle it."

"Nope, I'm going home," Joseph said, as he took a sharp turn towards the exit.

"No no no no," she said, grabbing his arm, and spinning him back around.

"We're gonna stay, and have fun...because that's what teenagers do...and we're teenagers so that means we have fun," she said, dragging him along as they walked up to Nakoa.

"Yay, fun," Joseph said, forcing his smile as they continued over to him.

"There he is," Jo said, pointing over at Nakoa.

As they approached, the crowd of people in their path parted as if they were radioactive, staring at Joseph as the two of them walked towards Nakoa who was near the refreshments.

"Um, hi Nakoa," Jo said, breaking the silence.

"Oh, you're here," Nakoa answered, turning around as he held a cup to his lips.

"Go on," Jo whispered, elbowing Joseph in the side.

"Alright..." Joseph whispered back.

"Hi, Nakoa," he said awkwardly. "Congratulations on the tattoo, I heard it can be pretty painful."

"Um, yeah..." Nakoa said, looking him up and down, disgust written across his face.

"Our brother made this, I hope that's okay," Jo said, taking the bowl from Joseph. "It's poi."

"Put it over there," Nakoa said, pointing to a table overflowing with food. The music and laughter crawled to an awkward silence as murmurs and gasps arose from the guests.

"Okay, thank you," she said, forcing a smile.

"Jo, everyone's staring," Joseph whispered out the side of his mouth.

"Don't worry about it," she said, as they made their way over to the table.

The stares dug into his flesh like daggers as everyone crawled to a standstill backing away as he walked past them.

The Protectors: Book 1: ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now