Chapter 14: Soon Enough

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"Are you serious?" Joseph asked. "There's no way you could fit an entire apple melon rind in your mouth Warah, there's no way," he continued.

"I could prove it to you if we had some on board," Warah replied, shrugging.

"Don't listen to this old fool, he's pulling your leg, Joseph," Sensi said, laughing as he walked up to the rudder.

"You two are starting already?" Ishi asked, rubbing his eyes as he walked up on deck.

"The sun is barely up," he said pointing to the eastern sky as the first peaks of light started to set the sky ablaze.

"The kid was excited and wanted to be the first one to see the land on the horizon when we get there," Sensi replied, smiling.

"Oh, you're fussy," Ishi said, chuckling.

"Yeah, a little," Joseph said, shyly smiling.

"Well, that's the attitude," Warah said.

"Got that right," Caius said, as he emerged from the cabin.

"Seems like we're all happy to see home again after being at sea so long," he said, yawning as he moved towards the kitchen.

"Amen," they all said in unison.

"So where you off to after we dock?" Warah asked as everyone grabbed their pieces of dried jerky.

"Don't you remember, I'm sending him to San's tavern in the capital," Caius said, sitting down.

"Oh right," Warah replied.

"Forgetful as ever," he said laughing.

"Wait where am I going?" Joseph asked as Kuzo sat in his lap chomping down on a piece of jerky.

"I'm sending you up to a pal of mine, he owns a tavern in the capital city called Ignite Tavern," Caius answered.

"Ok okay."

"Yeah don't worry, just tell him Caius sent you, he owes me one," he continued. "He can give you a place to stay, and he's an experienced Flame User and if he doesn't teach you he'll definitely know someone who can."

"Are you guys not coming with me?" He asked.

"Wish we could kid, but we're only docking for a day and then we're back out tomorrow," Sensi said, slightly turning the rudder.

"Yeah, we gotta unload, and then tomorrow we're out again, but you can keep the cloak, and before I forget here's some money, and a map," Caius said, digging into his back pocket.

He placed the small pouch filled with golden coins onto the bench beside Joseph along with a curled-up map.

"That's for transport, and the map is so you know your way around," he said, as Joseph slowly unraveled it.

"The tavern is right in the middle of the capital city," Caius said, coldly. "It says Ignite Tavern on the front, just go inside and ask for San," he continued.

"Yo Joseph, land straight ahead!" Sensi yelped. "Come on!"

"Okay coming!" he yelped back, placing the map on the bench as he got up.

As he got up to the rudder, a thin strip of land was visible over the horizon as the sun impatiently raised its head, halfway visible in the sky.

"We're almost there," he said smiling.

"Cap, come on," Warah said, as the others watched on from the main deck.

"What?" Caius asked.

"You know what," Warah said, looking at him sternly.

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