Chapter 32: Bonding and Stuff

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"Okay, so two hundred and fifty years ago Kaēn was still a small nation and sought to expand so we ended up setting up a colony where the Northern Nation is today," Kameron said.

"Hmmm," Joseph said, trying to keep up.

"Their land was rigid but rich in iron and ore, and other natural materials, so Kaēn and their colony thrived. Up until an insurrection led by a man named Bōkun, who wanted to dethrone the king of Kaēn at the time who was a Non-User. Kaēn tried to fight back against the insurrection and the movement Bōkun had started, but the colony was bigger than its motherland. His ideologies and rhetoric spread and he turned to Nonomen at the time, which was inhabited by Water Users, to wage war against Kaēn and gain control, finally putting a User on the throne."

"Whoa, that's intense," Joseph said as they made their way up the walkway back toward the library.

"I know right," she said, excited by his interest.

"Due to the shear might of Bōkun's influence in the colony he amassed an army large enough to wipe out a large percent of Nonomen's population and kidnap a large number of Water Users to fight against Kaēn's Flame Users," she continued, as the guards stationed opened the library door.

"Finally you guys are back!" Kev yelped, as Kuzo lay in his lap.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine, Kev," Kameron said, looking over at Joseph.

"But back to what I was saying...Bōkun fought against Kaēn's best Flame Users but it was futile, we ended up losing and he gained the throne, ushering in an era of terror and hardship for Non-Users in the country," she said, stopping short.

"Oh, I remember reading that a few weeks ago in the book you told me about," Kev said.

"What's wrong?" Joseph asked as confusion stretched across her face.

"I don't remember how it ends..." she said, baffled.

"Kev, do you remember how they got control of Kaēn again after Bōkun's reign?" She asked.

"Um...come to think of it, no," he said, racking his brain.

"I know that after Bōkun ravaged Nonomen and its people the continent remained barren and it was said that no one lives there," she said walking over to the book left on the table.

"Why can't I remember how Kaēn ended up winning?" She asked herself, violently flipping through the book.

"Here," she said, as they walked up behind her.

"I don't get it," she said, reading the section over and over.

"This doesn't say anything about what happened after he took the throne and won the war," Kev said.

"No, it has to be in here," she said, flipping through it again.

"Could it be in another book?" Joseph asked.

"This is the only one about the war in the library, all the others explain how life was between the colony and here, well at least that I know of."

"This is so confusing," she said, sitting down and holding her head.

"It's okay, I don't need to know about it right now," Joseph said.

"I know but it should be here," she said, dumbfounded.

"I guess the war never ended then," Kev said sarcastically.

"Come on, Kev," Joseph and Kam said at the same time.

"HAHAHA," they all busted out laughing at the strange coincidence.

"Aw, look at us bonding and stuff," Kev said, smiling.

"Yeah," she said smiling as well.

"But back to this, I don't even remember coming across a passage about how we reclaimed the kingdom."

"Kam, come on, maybe it's in another book and you got them mixed up," Kev said, trying to keep the spirit lively.

"Yeah maybe."

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