Chapter 30: Until I Give the Word

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The dinner carried on as did their conversation, taking them well into the night with the moons peering through the window. One by one everyone left the table wiping their mouths and stretching as a symphony of yawns could be heard throughout the room.

"Seems like everyone's tired after today's ordeal," Dante said, wiping his mouth.

"Seems so," Yohan said.

"Oh, where are we gonna let Joseph sleep tonight?" Kev asked as everyone slowly got up.

"I'm fine in the spare room I took a shower in," Joseph said.

"No, that's for guests, you're more than a guest," Kev said.

"I don't think the staff can prepare a permanent room for you tonight seeing how late it is," Dante said.

"You can spend the night with me," Kev suggested.

"Are you sure?" Dante asked Joseph.

"Yeah, that's fine as long as you don't snore," Joseph replied.

"I don't think I do," Kev said, chuckling.

"Alright, for tonight you two can share but I'll have the staff prepare you a room first thing tomorrow morning," Dante said, yawning as they walked down the hallway.

"Alright goodnight everyone," Kev said, as he and Joseph continued down the hallway.

"Goodnight," everyone said, drowsily as they parted ways.

"I think Kuzo's out cold," Joseph said as Kuzo hung from his shoulder, his eyes closed.

"Poor guy, all that running tired him out," Kev replied as he turned a corner.

"Here we are," Kev said, opening the door to his room.

"You can sleep in the bed, I'll just crash on the couch over there, it's big enough."

"Whoa, this is...massive," Joseph said as his eyes wandered up to the ceiling. The books sprinkled across the floor and elegant clothing pouring out of the closet paird with the smell of feet and eucalyptus made it feel lived in.

"Is that your mirror?"

"Yeah, but you should see Dad's room," Kev said, as Joseph sat down still taking everything in.

"This is really all yours?" Joseph asked, yawning as Kuzo crawled off his shoulder, softly kneading the end of the bed.

"Yeah, my whole life," Kev replied, looking over at him as his eyes weighed down.

"I think you need to sleep," Kev chuckled.

"Yeah," Joseph said, yawning again as he laid back. "You too."

"I could stay awake all night," Kev replied yawning.

"Yeah right," Joseph chuckled.

I'm glad you decided to stay," Kev said.

"Goodnight," Kev said, pulling the covers over him as he laid back on the couch.

"Night," Joseph said as he rolled over, his eyes finally giving in to the heaviness.


"Your majesty," Yohan said as he and Dante walked down the hallway.

"I know what you are about to ask Yohan," Dante replied. "You betrayed my trust."

"Yes," Yohan said, looking down.

"But, had it not been for your combined efforts we would have never found my son again," he continued. "Perhaps destiny had other plans."

"I still cannot forgive myself, Your Majesty," Yohan said.

"Your apologies will fall on deaf ears, my old friend, we will look past it," Dante said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Yohan said, lowering his head as they continued down the hallway.

"While on the subject, Your Majesty, I wanted to bring up young Joseph..." Yohan continued.

"Please, Yohan, we are alone, you need not address me so formally," Dante replied.

"I see," Yohan said.

"But going back to what you said...yes I know," Dante replied, still looking ahead.

"With his return...and what we know about Amaia's past," Yohan said, hesitantly.

"We can't be certain though," Dante said, suddenly stopping.

"But, Dante," Yohan said. "We've already hidden enough, we can't hide this from them too."

"Even young Guntai started to realize it," Yohan said.

"We aren't even entirely sure," Dante said.

"But even if there is the slimmest chance they need to know," Yohan continued. "The circumstances are less than ideal but the world will be after them whether we tell them or not the secret will come out."

"Don't you think I understand?"

"I understand well enough what the world will say, but I will put them in danger if it does turn out that way," Dante said, as they began to walk again.

"People will ask questions, they will want to know," he continued. "You cannot just ignore it."

"People asked questions the moment Kameron was born, the second her ability manifested, and what did that do?" Dante asked. "It only made things worse for them."

"They'll piece it together, Dante," Yohan replied.

"I will protect them, no matter the cost, Yohan," he said.

"I understand," Yohan replied, as he stopped in front of Dante's room door.



"You told me he was dead!!" A voice screamed, their face coated in darkness.

"You told me you took care of it that night and yet, he was here in Kaēn running around the capital this morning!" they said, their voice riddled with rage and vengeance.

"How can he just appear after all this time?" They asked.

"Our apologies sir, we were certain we took care of it that night," another voice said, their voice coming from a small bird perched on the floor.

"What do you want us to do?"

"Stay low and stay undetected, I need to think."

"Don't make any moves until I give the word."

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