Chapter 31: Fail Myself

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"Up and at um!" Kev yelled as he stood over Joseph, his limbs sprawled across the bed as the blanket wrapped around his legs. His hair, a fowl's nest as Kuzo happily licked his nose.

"Come on, get up," Kev said, shaking the bed.

"Hmm, what?" Joseph grumbled, rubbing his eyes as the light struck his face.

"Get up, we got breakfast soon," he said.

"Alright, gimme a minute," Joseph said, closing his eyes again as he rolled over.

"Come on, we got a long day," Kev said, shaking his leg. "There's a big breakfast in the dining hall and the staff is setting up your room right down the hall, come on, come on, come on."

"Alright alright, I'm up," Joseph said, getting up.

"Okay good, you get ready I'll be outside, woo I'm excited," he said as he walked over to the door. "Everything's in the bathroom, just come outside when you're ready."

"Okay," Joseph said, wiping the dried drool from his face.

"These wake-up calls are making me reconsider not staying after all," he said as he dragged himself out of bed.

The sun was nine positions high as its rays cascaded through the room. As he changed into the clothes Keviar left on the edge of the bed he ran his fingers along their rich silken fabric. Everything was so different from yesterday. The clothes fit like a glove as he pulled the shirt over his head complimenting his slim physique. As he looked over at Kuzo a decorative bandana hung around his neck, meshing with his bright orange fur and bringing out his adorably blue eyes.

"These are the nicest clothes I've ever had," Joseph said, fixing and adjusting the shoulders of the shirt.

"Bro, you take forever, come on!" Kev yelled from the other side of the door.

"Coming!" Joseph yelped as he moved to the door, Kuzo running after him to crawl on his shoulder.

"Finally," Kev said as Joseph slid the door open.

"Okay, so your room isn't quite ready from what I heard, but it should be done by the end of today, which gives us enough time for me to show you around and stuff," he continued, pulling Joseph along as they made their way to the dining room.

"Morning guys, you've met Joseph, right?," Keviar said as he approached Con and So. "He's my twin brother, you know," he continued a smirk appearing on his face.

"Good morning Sir Keviar, yes we are aware of Sir Joseph's status as your fraternal twin brother," So replied.

"Sir Joseph?" Joseph said under his breath.

"Alright everyone, here we are," Kev said making a grand entrance, Joseph trailing behind him.

"Good morning you two," Dante said looking over at them as they walked up to the table.

"Good morning everyone," Joseph said, sitting down

"Where's Raf?" Kev asked.

"He said he wanted to get an early morning pump in...whatever that means," Kameron replied.

"So how did you two sleep last night?" Dante asked.

"It was really good," Joseph said shyly.

"He knocked out before I even laid down," Kev chimed in.

"After the day you two had yesterday you must have been tired," Dante said.

"I wasn't even that tired," Kev said, grabbing a bread roll from the table.

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