Chapter 20: Me Too

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"I did it," Joseph said, falling to his knees. The flames were gone.

"You did it!" Keviar yelled as the smoke cleared revealing Joseph on his knees staring at the floor.

"Yo, you alright?" He asked, rushing over to him.

"I actually did it," Joseph said in disbelief.

"You sure you're okay?" Kev asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," Joseph said, smiling. "I'm good."

"Kuzo, did you see that?!" Joseph said, holding his arms out as Kuzo ran towards him.

"I actually put them out this time," he said, laughing and hugging the small Enfield.

"Thank you, for helping me," he said looking up at Keviar.

"Well, you know... if I didn't we'd probably both be dead," he replied, laughing.

"True," Joseph said smiling.

"I'm sorry for freaking out," he said after a brief moment of silence.

"It's my fault for dropping it on you like that," Kev replied. "And dragging you into this."

"I mean...a little yeah," Joseph said.

"Didn't think finding out I'm a real prince would take your breath away though," Kev chuckled.

"It's not funny," Joseph said, his face turning serious. "I could've really hurt you if you didn't..."

"What?" Kev asked as he stopped abruptly.

"How did you know what to do?" Joseph asked, suspicious of him.

"I have panic attacks from time to time and it just seemed like that's what was happening," Kev answered.

"Wait you do?"


"They're a lot of fun, right?" Joseph asked sarcastically.

"Oh absolutely," Kev replied laughing it off.

"I usually don't have mine in front of strangers though," Joseph said, slowly petting Kuzo's head.

"Me too," Kev replied. "Up until two days ago, I'd never told anyone I had them, but my fam found out."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Joseph replied. "They always happen at the worst times for me."

"I'm surprised it didn't happen in the tavern when that mob burst through the door," he continued.

"I hope the tavern is still standing after that," he said, laughing as he plopped down to the floor.

"Me too," Joseph said. "I was supposed to go there so the owner could get me a place to stay," he continued.

"Oh, are you a traveler?" Kev asked

"No I just need a place to stay while I figure out what to do," he replied. "And a teacher."

"Oh," Kev said.

"You think he'll still wanna teach me after that?" Joseph asked.

"I wouldn't," Kev said laughing.

"Well..." Joseph said awkwardly.

As they got up, the noise outside grew surprisingly quiet.

"So what now?" Joseph asked.

"I don't know," Kev said.

"I should probably find my friend, Chisai, he's probably losing his mind right now...along with my family," he continued.

"I guess I should go back to the tavern, try and find a job and a place to stay," Joseph said, dusting off his cloak.

"But what about the thing in the tavern?" Kev asked eagerly. "Don't you wanna find out what that was, or why it led me to you?" He asked.

"I didn't come here to get wrapped up in whatever you got going on," Joseph answered. "I came to this country for a fresh start, and I don't think that includes whatever that was."

"I could help you find one," Kev suggested.

"No, I need to do this by myself," he continued. "Like always."

"But, come on Joseph, aren't you curious?" He asked.

"I guess so?" He said unsurely. "But I can't worry about that right now, I need to worry about me."

"But the feeling, it led me to you for a reason," Kev pleaded.

"I really wish I could help you figure out why but you're a prince, you can figure it out," Joseph answered.

"I left because I couldn't figure it out myself," he replied. "I was meant to find you."

"We don't even know each other."

"More reason to get to know each other," Kev replied.

"I can't worry about this right now," Joseph said as he made his way toward the opening in the wall. "I owe it to all of the people that helped me get here."

"Please?" Kev asked. "Please reconsider."

"Yeah, I can't I'm sorry," he said. "I just need to head back to the tavern."

"But, come on," Kev said, still trying to convince him.

"You sure are stubborn," Joseph said, turning around to face him.

"So are you," Keviar said. "Another thing we have in common besides the panic attacks."

"You don't understand my position," Joseph argued.

"Then tell me."

"Look, I understand. You came all this way looking for whatever, but we have different lives to get back to."

"It was nice meeting you, Kev," Joseph said as he turned back to the wall. "But I gotta go back to the tavern and figure out my life first."

"Why are so quick to give up!" Kev yelled.

"I'm gonna go..." Joseph replied as he made his way out the window.

"Not so fast," A deep booming voice said from outside. A shadow eclipsed Joseph's face as a big burly man stood outside the hole that led into the alleyway blocking his path.

"Fortis!" Kev yelped.

The Protectors: Book 1: ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now