Chapter 24: Wow, So Much Emotion Today

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Kuzo ran as fast as he could through the neverending halls, zipping into what looked like a kitchen, weaving through feet, and tables, cabinets, and pots as the cooks tried to catch him. Joseph burst through the door right after him jumping onto the table as he tumbled food and drinks onto the ground creating an uproar and calamity as he continued to follow Kuzo.

"Kuzo, please, stop running!" He yelled.

As he took a sharp turn, skidding as he found a low window, he propelled his hindlegs out, sending him through the window and out into what looked like a garden.

"Kuzo, wait!" Joseph yelled as he leaped out of the window behind him. His small body disappeared into the bushes littering the grounds. His cuffs snapped as he hit the ground, setting his hands free.

It was now afternoon and the sun's orange glow bore down on Joseph's face and he searched through the garden hopelessly looking for Kuzo, who had no idea what was going on or what to do.

"This is crazy, this is crazy!" Joseph babbled on as he continued searching for him.

As he looked around he saw an incredibly massive bonsai tree in the distance, the sun's rays effortlessly danced through the leaves as a slight breeze shifted the light and shadows on the ground.

"Kuzo!" Joseph yelled as he ran closer and closer to this mysterious tree.

He couldn't help but think back to that day once again as he searched for Kuzo in the bushes...


"Kuzo!" Joseph screamed as he trudged through the tall grass behind their hut.

"Joseph, come on," Jo said as she walked up behind him. "We're about to leave."

"Yeah, I know, I'm just looking for Kuzo to tell him to stay out of sight," Joseph said, looking over at her. "You know how they get when they see him...I don't know why."

"Just get his favorite stick, he always comes out for that," she said walking back into the hut.

"Here," she said, tossing it over to him. The thick sturdy piece of wood fell onto the ground as he tried to catch it.

"You're horrible at catching," she said laughing.

"And you're horrible at throwing," Joseph replied, picking up the stick.

"Kuzo, lookie what I got," Joseph said, waving the stick in the air.

"There you are," Joseph said in his baby voice as Kuzo appeared out of the grass, his fur covered in leaves and grass stains.

"Come on," he said, scooping him up into his arms as he walked back towards the hut.

"We're about to go," he said, as they both entered the hut. "So you stay out of sight until we get back."

"Remember, no playing outside, okay?" Joseph said, placing him down into the chair.

"Alaka'i you ready?!" Jo yelled.

"Yeah hold on," he answered, slipping on a decent shirt.

"You're wearing that to the party?" She asked, looking him up and down.

"Yeah, why not?" He asked, looking at the shirt.

"It's what you wear every day though," she said.

"Well it's comfortable," he answered snarkily.

"Besides I'm not going with you guys right away," he said, picking up his bag from the table.

"What?" Joseph asked, turning around to look at him.

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