Chapter 21: I Can Explain

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"You two are coming with me, now," Fortis said, his thundering voice shaking the building's weak frame.

"Fortis, how..." Keviar said, fumbling over his disbelief.

"Sir there's no sign of the Prince anywhere outside of the capital, we have patrols set up every-" a voice said.

"Don't bother, I've located the Prince," Fortis said, talking to a small funny-looking bird on his shoulder boasting a cute hat with an antenna sticking out on its head.

"Affirmative sir," the small bird said as it opened its mouth.

"Just in, squad four has located your son near the tavern of the assumed incident," the bird continued to say in a different voice.

"Good work, lieutenant," Fortis said. "Escort to the palace and await further instruction," he said, still addressing the bird.

"Yes sir," the voice from the bird said.

"Fortis I can explain," Keviar said, stepping in front of Joseph.

From what he could see, the man in front of him stood at 6' 7. His shoulders could span a mountain as his frame and presence took up the entire alleyway. His dark navy uniform with bright red flame embroidery, was plastered with pendants and metals all pinned along his broad chest, topping it off his red cape which fluttered in the midday breeze. His strong sideburns and thick military mustache only added to his intimidation.

"Not another word," Fortis said, looking down at him, his eyes ablaze with anger. "You two are coming with me."

"Please, he doesn't have anything to do with this," Keviar pleaded as he went through the hole, entering the alleyway.

"As it stands now, he is a prime suspect in this incident and will stand in front of your father," Fortis said, as Joseph kept his head down, staring at the ground.

"A prime suspect in what?" Keviar asked, looking over at him.

"In the planned kidnapping and assassination of fourth Prince of Kaēn Oritsue Keviar and second commander Guntai Chisai."

"WHAT?!" Keviar yelped, his eyes widening.

"He didn't try to kill me," Keviar pleaded as Fortis wrapped a thick piece of wire around Joseph's wrists, his eyes still locked on the floor. "Where did you get that from?"

"Regardless of the situation, you and this hooded hoodlum are going back to the palace," Fortis said, his eyes deadly.

"Get moving!" He yelled, shoving Joseph out of the alley towards the main street where a carriage awaited them. The red cape draped over his shoulders blew in the breeze as he tailed closely behind Joseph.

"This is a mistake, Fortis please," Keviar said, chasing after them.

"There will be plenty of time to talk. You and Chisai have a lot of questions to answer," he said looking down at Keviar in disappointment.

"You have the right to remain silent now, but you will answer to his majesty," Fortis said, speaking to Joseph who stayed silent. His face was eclipsed by his cloak once again.

"I'm so sorry, Joseph," Keviar pleaded, as soldiers appeared before him, blocking his path to the carriage Joseph was forced into. "I'm gonna figure this out, I swear!"

As he sat down into the carriage, locked in like a caged animal, he had yet to make a sound. This was the end...wasn't it? All those hopes and dreams of starting fresh, getting away from that place... were dashed. Burned up in the flames he could never escape. This was my fault, he thought to himself. Despite his better judgment, he helped Keviar and now look where that got him. Jail? Execution? The irony made him chuckle to himself in the carriage as the color from the world slowly disappeared. The very thing he was running away from, snuck up on him.

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