Chapter 4: It'll Work Out

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"Rise and shine men!" Caius yelped, opening the cabin door.

"Sensi, for the love of Almighty wake up!!" He continued.

"Don't tell me the sake last night got to you that easily!!" He screamed into the room as the others squinted trying to adjust to the sun's morning rays streaming through the door.

"Five more minutes, Cap" Sensi mumbled as he turned over in his hammock.

"What's happening?" Joseph grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah...'s not like I've been on deck all night or anything waiting for you to switch with me," Caius said sarcastically, speaking through his grinding teeth and violent eye twitch. Slowly picking up a stray pillow from the floor.

"Five more minutes my ass!" he screamed, hurtling the pillow at Sensi's head.

"AHHHYEEEE!" Sensi yelped.

"What, what happened?!" Joseph yelled, jumping up out of his hammock confused.

"He just moved the heat from his hand to the pillow," Ishi chimed in as his feet tipped over the hammock onto the floor.

"That's possible?" Joseph asked, his eyes darting back and forth between Caius and the pillow.

"It's more than possible," Sensi said, rubbing his head as he threw the pillow across the cabin.

"He's been doing it since we were all young and loves tormenting me the most," he continued.

"ONLY BECAUSE I WAS OUT THERE ALL NIGHT!" Caius screamed as he and Sensi got into it.

"Okay, Captain don't get winy..." Ishi said. "We get it, alright, Sensi get up on the deck and the rest of us will be up soon to make breakfast," Ishi said, mediating the screaming match. "Cap, get some sleep for now."

"Fine." They both said as Sensi wiped his face and walked towards the door.

"Warah come on let's go," Ishi said, as they both walked towards the narrow hallway up to the main deck.

"Should I be doing anything?" Joseph asked, standing awkwardly.

"You can help me clean up this room before I get a little rest," Caius said, tapping Joseph on the shoulder.

"Okay, no problem" he replied, turning back to his hammock.

"So you were out there all night making sure the ship was on course?" Joseph asked as he folded his blanket, with Kuzo pawing at it from the floor.

"Yep, gotta make sure we reach on time with the shipment," Caius answered.

"Is it something important?" Joseph asked.

"Kind of, it's some special dirt from Lisarb to help the farmers back home," he replied, picking up the stray pillows and sake bottles from the floor.

"I see," Joseph said.

"So what's Kaēn like?" Joseph asked as the sun bore through the cabin door, his messy bedhead covering his eyes. "I've only heard stories of how beautiful and prosperous it is."

"Well it is beautiful," Caius said, as he turned around to face Joseph.

"Anyone would fall in love with Kaēn at first glance," he continued. "There's the grasslands, and the forests, not to mention the cities, full of people and life."

"Sounds amazing," Joseph replied, lifting Kuzo to his shoulder.

"At least that's how it is on the surface," Caius said, looking to the floor.

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