Chapter 29: Apologies

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"How was it?" Kev asked as Joseph came out of the bathroom, a towel draped over his shoulder.

"Refreshing, I really needed that," Joseph replied. "Also thank you for the clothes."

"Okay, good, they should be waiting for us in the dining room," he said, pulling Joseph along as Kuzo shook the water out of his fur.

"This place is really beautiful," Joseph said, admiring the intricate patterns and designs woven throughout the red carpet lining the floor. The smell of freshly cut flowers and fresh linen littered the hallways.

"Yeah, but I've seen it so many times it's kinda boring now," Kev replied as they made their way up to the door leading to the main dining room.

"Hey Con, hey So," Keviar said, greeting the guards standing outside of the entrance.

"Good evening, Sir Keviar," So said, bowing.

"About earlier, I'm s..." he started to say.

"Don't...worry about it," she said, bowing again as they stepped to the side, opening the door.

"Ah, there they are," Dante said, as everyone turned to the door to see the two of them walking up to the table.

"Please, take a seat," Dante said, gesturing to them to sit.

"Dinner will be served right away," he said as they settled into their seats. Everyone looked amongst themselves as silence took over.

"So uh, Joseph..." Kameron said, speaking up. "How are you feeling?"

"Uh, just a bit overwhelmed," he replied awkwardly.

"I see," she said.

"I'm sorry but what is your name?" He asked, holding his stomach.

"Oh I'm sorry, we never introduced ourselves," Dante said, butting in.

"I'm Dante," Dante said.

"My name is Ekon," Ekon said.


"I'm Yohan, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Fortis."


"I'm Kameron," she said, looking over at the brooding man next to her. "And this moody one over here is Rafael," she said, introducing him.

"It's nice to meet you all," Joseph said.

"Your majesty, dinner has arrived," Someone said as they walked through the door, a line of waiters and waitresses poured in behind him as they carefully slid their trays onto the table. The aroma of freshly steamed rice, beef soup, stew, fruits, ramen, and hotcakes filled the air as Joseph's mouth instantly began to water.

"Please enjoy," the servers said as they bowed and left the room.

"I've never seen this much food," Joseph said, reaching out to grab one of the steamed buns in front of him.

"Wait, not yet," Kev whispered, pulling back his hand.

"What," Joseph said, looking around as everyone else's eyes were closed.

"We give thanks to the great spirits for bringing us all together here today, thank you for reuniting our family and bringing our missing member back to us. May the Great Flame unite us!" Dante said, praying.

"May the Great Flame unite us!" Everyone repeated as they opened their eyes.

"Unite us..." Joseph said, his voice staggering behind everyone else's.

The Protectors: Book 1: ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now