Chapter 19: Just Breathe

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"You're crazy, you know that!!" Joseph screamed as he and the boy ran down the street, bobbing and weaving through the endless crowd of bystanders on the path trying to escape the mob.

"Just keep running!" The boy screamed as the wind blew off his hood, revealing his face.

The crowd was gaining on them as more and more people from the streets joined the mob in an attempt to meet up with Prince Keviar, as the girl with pigtails still led the charge.

"Why am I even running with you?!" Joseph screamed out as he turned over to look at the boy.

"Because we'll both be ripped to shreds!!" The boy screamed, a malicious smile on his face as if he were amused.

"I don't have time for this!" Joseph screamed back, the wind scrambling his words.

"You want a mine surface?!" The boy asked, confused. "What is that?!"

"No, what?! Never mind!!" Joseph yelped.

"Yo, see that building over there?!" The boy screamed, pointing ahead of them, as the crowd behind got more ravenous.

"Prince Keviar wait!!"

"Prince Keviar please, spit on me!!"

"Kiss me!!"

"Have my babies!!"

"Marry me!!"

"Yeah, what about it?!" Joseph asked.

"It's abandoned, there's a hole in the side that leads to a basement, I think!!" He screamed back.

"YOU THINK?!" Joseph screamed.

"Just turn right around there, and I'll go this way!" He said.

"We can break them up and meet in that building!!"

"Who do I know you're not leading me into a trap?!!" Joseph yelled back.

"I don't think we have that many options right now anyways!" The boy yelled as he ducked under a hanging sign.

"You're just gonna have to trust me!"

"Okay..." Joseph said hesitantly.

"Good, on my signal!"

"Now!!" The boy yelled.

As they reached the intersection, they both pulled on their hoods and ran in opposite directions. Joseph sprinted down the street to the right as the boy turned left. The majority of the crowd followed him while some still followed Joseph down the narrow street. His feet moved faster than he thought they could, propelling him down the street, making sharp turns, dodging the people still unaware of what was happening.

"Okay that's the building," he said as he looked towards the old vine-invested settlement.

"Just gotta lose these few and get there," he said, looking back at the pretty sizable crowd still after him.

Just in front of him, he saw an empty barrel, sturdy and strong, but empty. Without thinking he grabbed the barrel and threw it down behind him, sending it rolling down the descending path after the mob. As the barrel rolled down the alleyway, he ducked behind a crate sitting next to what looked like a clothing store. The barrel slammed into the people sending the front runners plummeting to the ground.

"Get up, get up!" One of them yelled.

"I think he went that way!" Another one said, pointing down another alleyway, running straight past him.

"Thank almighty," Joseph whispered, breathing hard as the running caught up to him.

As he made his way through the streets, towards the abandoned building, a large group of soldiers ran down the main street after the mob chasing the other boy.

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