Chapter 33: Mystery, Man

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"And this is the other hallway, across from the hallway we were just at," Kev said, his inner tour guide shining as he led Joseph and Kameron through the palace.

"This place is like a maze," Joseph said. "So many hallways and turns."

"You know, you're right," Kam said, agreeing. "But you'll get used to it."

"I don't know..." Joseph said, looking behind them. Every direction looked the same as the next, endless hallways of red carpet.

"Other than the kitchen...which I'm not allowed in anymore is there anything else you wanna see?" Kev asked.

"What about the gardens?" Joseph asked.

"Uh, I think the gardeners are working on it right now," Kev replied, looking over at Kameron.

"Okay...well what do you guys do for fun around here?" Joseph asked.

"Sometimes we play Goal Ball with Dad, but he's been really busy since the beginning of the year so we don't get much time with him," Kev said.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"The library, or examining the cooks so I can learn from them," Kameron said.

"Almighty, Kam," Kev said, rolling his head. "That sounds so boring."

"Well, what do you do?" She asked, snapping back.

"I play tricks on you guys or the staff, whichever is easier," He said smirking.

"What kinda tricks?" Joseph asked.

"Moslty jumpscares, a few ghost impersonations," he said, trying to remember them all.

"What about outside the palace?" Joseph asked.

"Oh, we don't leave the palace," Kev said, bracing against the wall.

"Didn't you leave to find me yesterday?" He asked.

"Actually, I snuck out," Kev said, correcting him.

"But you guys get to go out in the city and stuff... right?" Joseph asked, looking them up and down.

"No, we don't," Kameron said.

"How come?"

"We just don't," she said.

"It's just how it's always been."

"So you're just trapped in here all day?" He asked, concern entering his voice.

"No..." Kev started to say. "I mean we get to join the parade when Founding Day comes."

"But that's it?" He asked again.

"I mean there are other holidays..." he started to say.

"No, I mean you don't get to leave whenever you want?"

"No, we can't just leave without someone knowing, and even then we need guards and carriages," she replied.

"But you guys are royalty, I thought you could do whatever you want and go wherever," Joseph said, disappointment entering his voice.

"It's not all that bad," Kev said, nudging Joseph's rib cage with his elbow. "We can order whatever we want to eat and go anywhere on the grounds."

"Sounds more like a prison," Joseph said softly, pulling on the ends of his hair.

"What do you mean?" Kameron asked.

"I thought being princes and princesses meant you could do whatever you want wherever you want, but it sounds like you guys are trapped here, in a glorified holding cell," he answered.

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