Chapter 11: ⋆⁺₊⋆The Full Moon Gathering⋆⁺₊⋆

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As the day dragged on, the sun flung its way across the sky, barely peeking above the horizon, setting the air ethereal shades of orange and pink. The front of the palace was laden with flowers and servants at the ready to tend to the arriving dignitaries and council members from around the country.

Kameron stood in front of her vanity in her room, smoothing out her dress as she got ready for the night's festivities. As she slipped on her bangles and adjusted her earrings and posture, she looked out through the window, staring at the oncoming barrage of carriages pulling up to the front gates.

"She's probably there already," she said scornfully, as a disgusted look stretched across her face.

"You got this Kameron, just stay away from her, keep an eye on Kev, and everything should be fine," she said looking at her reflection with a hopeful smile. "We just have to get through the night."

As she forced herself to smile a brief flash of pain cascaded over her face. She quickly gathered herself and walked towards the door. Her three-inch heels pitter-pattered against the ground as she walked down the looming hallway.

Keviar ran through her mind as she walked towards his room. Since yesterday it's like he's been on his toes and hyper-fixated on something, but what?

"Miss Kameron," a pair of guards said, bowing as she walked past them.

"Oh, good evening," she said, slightly lowering her head.

"Do you know if he's ready?" she asked them, walking up to Keviar's door which they stood guard.

"We aren't sure, miss," they replied.

"Seriously..." she said, sighing. "Kev, you ready?!" She yelled, knocking on the door.

"Yeah, I was waiting on you," he said, suddenly opening the door as her knuckles fell on his shoulder.


"You're ready," she said, confused and astounded. "I thought you'd be on the balcony in your underwear again like last year," she said, chuckling.

"You just love embarrassing me, huh?" He asked sliding the door close as the guards behind them tried to hold in their laughs.

"Well, I'm just saying," she said, trying to laugh off her suspicions.

"Well, for your information, I'm just excited for the gathering this year," he said, as the two of them walked down the hallway.

Since when?" She asked. "Yesterday you told me it's boring, and even did a pretty good impression of Raf."

"Um, well I changed my mind," he said, nervously rubbing his neck.


"So, uh do you know if the guests arrived yet?" He asked.

"I saw some carriages coming up to the gate, but they should all be in the hall already," she replied.

"There you two are," Yohan said, startling them as they turned a corner. "Sir Rafael and your father are waiting for you."

"Okay thanks, Yohan," Kameron said.

As they entered the small room off the side of the main dining hall, Rafael, stood propped up against the wall in his formal attire. His eyes were still covered by the loose strands of hair on his face.

"Okay good, we're all here," Dante said, as they entered.

"Something wrong, Dad?" Kameron asked.

"No no, just glad to have you all here," he said, smiling as a picture of the late queen hung above his head looking down on them.

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