Chapter 18: He's What?!

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The sun cascaded over the sky in its brilliant morning glow as the palace burst into action. Everyone was up by the time Keviar had slipped out, however, they didn't bother to move before the sun was fully awake as well.

"Good morning," Kameron said, yawning as she plopped herself down into a seat at the morning table on the balcony facing the gardens.

"Morning," Rafael said, as he used the towel draped over his shoulders to dry his hair.

"Where's Dad?" Kameron asked.

"I don't know," Rafael answered. "He should be here though, he has a long day with the ministers to discuss everything that happened at the gathering last night."

"Yeah," she said, her arms braced against the table. "He's probably tired after talking all night."

"Good morning my beautiful children," Dante said as he walked up behind them.

"Dad," Kameron said, turning around with a smile on her face.

"We were just talking about you," she said as he moved closer, pulling out a chair.

"Hope it was something good," he said, chuckling as he sat down.

"We just thought you'd be sleeping in for a bit after last night," Kameron said.

"As much as I wish I could, there's still a lot to be done," he answered.

"Yohan," Dante said calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Yohan said, appearing in front of them mysteriously.

"I'll never understand how you do that," Kameron said, looking up at him as he stood awaiting orders.

"You're so fast," Rafael said blandly.

"Yohan, tell the cooks to bring out breakfast and maybe a wake-up call to our ministers and guests in the spare rooms," Dante said, raking through his beard with his fingers.

"Of course, right away," Yohan said, slightly bowing as he scurried away.

"Where's Kev?" Dante asked as Yohan left.

"He's probably still sleeping," Kameron said, as she played with her hair. Her silken nightgown flowing to the floor.

"He was acting really strange last night," she added.

"Yeah, even for him," Rafael said.

"Hmm," Dante said, deep in thought. "Should we go and check on him?"

"Oh, should I call the medic again?" He asked, bracing himself to get up.

"No no," Kameron said abruptly. "I don't think it's physical," she continued.

"He just seems distracted...or lost, like he's looking for something. I don't know."

"He must be going through something..." Dante said, settling back into his seat.

"Let's just wait until he wakes up," he said.

"Wow, I'm surprised you're not sprinting to his room right now," Kameron said chuckling.

"What?" Dante asked, looking at her.

"And you haven't screamed for the medic since yesterday...are you okay?" She asked, grabbing his face to examine him.

"Yes, I'm fine," he answered pulling her hands away. "I just had a talk with your uncle last night, and he gave me some good advice about slowly letting you all become your own people."

"And you're okay with that?" Kameron said as she shared a look with Rafael.

"Of course," Dante said, choking on the words.

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