Chapter 34: But, What Are the Odds?

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As the day dragged on, dusk began to step in as the palace fell silent, patiently awaiting the conclusion of the council's meeting which seemed neverending.

"How long are they gonna be in thereeee?" Kev asked, stretching out his words as he lay sprawled out in the chair.

"They've been in there since this morning," he continued.

"Just be patient," Kam said as she sat across from him, her legs elegantly crossed.

"Do their meetings usually take long?" Joseph asked as he looked towards the tightly sealed door where they conversed.

"Usually they'd be done by midday," Kameron replied. "But they must have a lot to talk about."

"They're probably talking about you," Kev said, sitting up in his seat.

"Really?" Joseph asked.

"Yeah, maybe," Kam agreed.

"What do you think they're saying?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, must be about how I braved a monstrous mob to find you and save the day," Kev said, raising his fist valiantly in the air.

"Not too much now," Kam said, turning up her face at him.

"Yeah, we all know that's a lie," Joseph said, shaking his head jokingly.

"That's not how I remember it," he replied, raising his eyebrows feigning his surprise.

"Hey," Rafael said, as he quickly approached them from behind, interrupting them.

"Oh Raf," Kev said, his expression shifting as Rafael entered the room.

"Where have you been all day?" Kam asked as he sat down in the empty chair.

"About," he answered dryly.

Then, without warning the door flung open as Yohan emerged, both door knobs in hand as he stepped to the side allowing those behind him to exit.

"Thank you all for attending, please feel free to stay an extra night in one of the spare rooms, if not please have a safe journey home," Yohan said as the remaining council members poured out of the room, their eyes drained and tired from a long day of deliberation.

"Yes, thank you all," Dante said, lowering his head to them as they exited the room one by one.

"You're done!" Kev yelped.

"Dad!" Chisai yelped as he walked up behind them, joining his father's side as they listened to Dante.

"Hassan, please send a copy of today's notes to Councilwoman Inoru," Dante said.

"Of course, your majesty," Hassan said, bowing as he fumbled with the papers in his hands, hobbling down the hall.

"Thank you for everything," Hiknon said, bowing as he walked away.

"Yes, thank you, your majesty," Fortis said as he and Chisai walked down the hall.

"Ekon," Dante said, looking over at him, his eyes serious yet cautious.

"Yes, your majesty, I know," Ekon replied.

"Dad?" Kam asked as the four of them stood there awkwardly.

"Ah, children," Dante said, looking over at them. "I have some good news for you."

"But first let's go to the dining hall, I'm starving," he said, rubbing his stomach.

As they all settled into their seats around the table, Dante's eyes fell upon Joseph.

"So, what do you have to tell us, Dad?" Kev asked.

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