Chapter 15: To the Capital City

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"You got everything?" Caius asked as Joseph loaded the map into the small sack they gave him. "The money, the food, and..."

"Yeah, I'm sure I have everything," Joseph said, chuckling.

As the ship pulled closer to the dock the harbor was alive even before the sun had fully risen. People were darting left and right trying to get the best fish, fighting for a spot in line. He had never seen so many people in one place before, squeezing past each other, scampering down the boardwalks and planks to another stall. Everything was so new, the people, their clothes, the smells, the boats, all of it absorbed by his wandering eyes. Kuzo stood on his shoulder gawking at the crowds of people in burgundy robes and sashes that hung off their shoulders. Some of them shirtless walking down the wooden planks barefoot as they held their stomachs in pain.

"Here we are, kid!" Warah said, slapping Joseph on the back as he set the ramp down from the boat onto the dock.

"Owww," he said, wincing in pain. "Yep, here we are."

As the crew quickly hoisted in the sails and prepared for docking, Joseph stood in awe at everything.

Sensi and Ishi both held on to one end of a rope before jumping over the railing onto the boardwalk as they fastened the ship to the dock. Caius grabbed a long thin sheet of wood braced up against the door to the cabin, and positioned it half on the ship half leading down towards the dock.

"We made it," Joseph said looking at Kuzo who licked his nose.

"Go on, take the first step of your new life," Caius said walking up behind him.

"Come on kid," Ishi and Sensi said from the dock.

As he made his way down the ramp, taking in everything it struck him, this was the beginning of something, but it was also the end.

"Woooo," Caius howled as they all clapped, drawing eyes over to them.

"Wish he could help you get settled in the capital," Caius said as he and Warah walked down the ramp.

"Yeah, but we're only here till tomorrow night then we're off again," he continued, his face suddenly waning.

"We're gonna miss ya, kid," he said, holding back tears.

"Come on Cap," Sensi said, hiding his face. "Don't start cuz then I'll start."

"You guys are so emotional," Warah said, smiling.

"Thank you, all of you, Sensi, Ishi, Warah, Caius, and the Flaming Lady herself for bringing me all this way," Joseph said, bowing. "I will never forget any of you."

"Enjoy it to the fullest," Caius said, as they all moved in for a group hug.

"Alright, get going," he said as Joseph stepped back. "Safe travels."

"You too," Joseph said, as he walked away, waving until they were out of sight.

"Okay Kuzo, stay close to me," Joseph said as Kuzo crawled under the hood of his cloak. "We don't know how they'll react to seeing you," Joseph said quietly, as he met up with a crowd of people moving inland from the docks.

The Western Village specialized in fish and all kinds of seafood, the smell alone revealed that the villagers lived off the bounty of the sea. Children clung to their parent's burgundy cloaks and robes as they heckled salesmen for better deals. The morning sun was well underway, as the crowd started to grow. Aside from the smell and rickety boards holding this part of the village from sliding into the sea, it was a place to behold. The wooden houses stood taller than any hut he had ever seen. Unlit lanterns hung from every streamer connecting every house in an array of coordinated decor.

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