Chapter 17: The Boys in the Cloaks

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"Alright young man," Conto said, as he pulled the reins back, making the carriage grind to a halt.

"Here it is," he said, pointing to the tavern in front of them.

Flocks of men gathered in the tavern as the area around it was full of customers dining on makeshift tables outside the property. A big slab of wood hung from a metal chain with the words "Ignite Tavern" painted in red.

"Thank you again, Conto," Joseph said as he stepped out of the carriage onto the cobblestone road.

"Don't mention it," Conto said, saluting him with his hat as he got off. "You stay outta trouble now, and stay safe."

"I'll try," Joseph said, chuckling. "Stay safe!" He yelped as Conto pulled off with the carriage.

"Alright Kuzo, we're here," he said, turning to face the tavern.

Kuzo pushed his little snout out from under the hood as he looked up at the tavern and the surroundings. His little nose flaring as the sweet smell of food drifted from the door.

"Kuzo, you gotta stay in there for now," Joseph said, pushing his head back under the hood. "We need to find the owner and give him the message from Caius."

As he squeezed past the crowd of people standing in front of the door, some leaving and some going in, it was clear this place was a local favorite. As doors swung open Joseph entered the jam-packed tavern, the aroma of fried bacon, sweet buns, bowling ramen, and steaming bowls of rice struck his nose. The morning rush had already settled in and waitresses struggled to keep up with impatient customers. Behind the open grill, an old man with a red bandana strapped around his balding head whistled as the sweat soaked into his salt-and-pepper beard. As the other cooks struggled to keep up with orders, he effortlessly diced onions, chopped up sticks of scallions, pan-fried dumplings, and plated three meals.

"Maybe that's him," Joseph said to himself as his eyes wandered the interior. Everything looked ornate yet rustic and welcoming. Everything was meticulously in place and clean despite the droves of people. The tables were full of men, women, and children eagerly awaiting their food, as talks of something called Founding Day filled the tavern.

"Um excuse me, sir..." Joseph started to say as he walked up to the old man effortlessly preparing meals. A cascade of smoke and sizzling sounds erupted as he dumped diced onions into the oil preparing for more sausages.

"You gotta tell the waitress your order over there!" He yelped, trying to speak over sizzling oil.

"No, I'm just trying to find someone..." Joseph said.

"I can't hear you!" The man said as he mixed the onions in the pan.

"I just need to pass along a messag...!" Joseph said, his voice steadily rising.

"YOOO, San!!" Someone yelled out from the table behind them, cutting Joseph off.

"Get me a round of sake to kick off the morning, I got some good news for you!" The man yelped, his gut jiggling as he walked over to the stove.

"Leim, I got you, my man, take a seat by the bar over there," San replied, smiling.

"Jun get some sake for my man Leim over here!" San yelled to the waitress by the door.

"Um, excuse me?" Joseph asked, standing awkwardly.

"Yeah kid, what can I do you for?" He asked, grabbing an empty plate.

"I was told to find your tavern and deliver a message," Joseph said, fiddling with the sleeve of his cloak as he spoke.

"Yeah, what is it?" San asked as he handed another waitress two plates of steaming white rice.

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