Chapter 13: Meet Me in the East Garden

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As the night came to an end, several people stayed to dance as soft music began to play around the hall.

"So Dante, what's your next move?" Ekon asked, speaking from across the table.

"Well, after this, sleep and then we all meet for further deliberation and account strategies in the morning," Dante said, with a dry laugh.

"Sounds like a plan," he replied.

"Yeah, I didn't think we'd be in such a bad spot," Ekon said.

"Tell me about it," Dante replied. "Things have only gotten worse since I was a kid, but now everything is piling up."

"Kinda makes me wanna run home," Ekon chuckled, hitting Dante in the back.

"Don't you dare," Dante said laughing, his face lighting up.

"Speaking of home, when are you gonna let me take those three to Nord-Est, aye?" Ekon asked, pointing to them on the dance floor. "I know Amaia would want them to see home."

"I know she would," Dante said, looking at them.

"Why not then?" He asked.

"Can't let them leave the nest so quickly," he continued.

"Dante, Rafael is about to be twenty-one. Loosen the death grip a little man," he said, moving over to the empty seat by him.

"Even Keviar is sixteen already," he said, pausing for a moment.

"Wow, has it been that long already?"

"Sixteen years," Dante echoed.

"Man, it feels like the other day me and..." Ekon started to say.

"Yeah," Dante replied. "Thought we'd be in it till we at least saw a grandchild, but that 'til' death do us part' really is a double-edged sword," he said, his eyes tearing up.

"And now Keviar is having panic attacks...I-I just don't know," he continued.

"Wait what?" Ekon asked.

"Oh right, you only got here this evening," Dante said. "Last night, he had a panic attack, and almost killed me on the spot, but he seems fine now."

"You're sure it was a panic attack?" Ekon said as concern entered his voice.

"That's what the medic said, yes, why?"

"I don't know if she ever told you, but Amaia used to get them when she was younger, usually when I wasn't around," Ekon said.

"No she never told me that," Dante said, his eyes bulging as he looked over at Keviar.

"So you mean it runs in the family or something?" He asked.

"I mean our mother never had them and I didn't despite us being a twin, but we both know my sister was different from all of us," he continued.

"True," Dante said.

As he forced himself to dance, smiling and chatting amongst the guests the looming feeling only towered over him. The feeling was unavoidable now and the pit in his stomach gripped so tight he thought his organs had shifted. Akari wasn't here, and even if he did get a hold of the Tweet from Yohan. It was useless. She was out dealing with some crisis, and she couldn't answer his question. No one could.

"Kev, why are you just standing there? Come on dance," Kameron said, bumping him with her hip.

"Yeah, I just remembered I need to use the bathroom," he said.

"Okay, then go," she said, laughing.

"Right," he said, turning around slowly as he walked away.

"I'll be back," he said.

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