Chapter 16: Realization

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"Wow, the palace looks really big, even from here," Keviar said, looking back as he and Chisai wandered the city, their cloaks covering their faces.

"Yeah, it does," Chisai said, as he concentrated on looking at the map.

"I think we're lost," he said, finally lifting his focus.

"What?" Keviar asked, looking towards him again.

"We've been wandering for half an hour and we're still nowhere near the middle of the city," he said.

"Let me see that," Keviar said, taking the map from Chisai.

"Where are we?" He asked, looking around confused.

"We're still near the bridge that crosses the river to the palace on the outskirts of the city," he replied.

"I don't see a bridge on here," Kev said.

"Probably because you're holding it upside down," Chisai said.

"Oh, um...right," Kev said, flipping it over shamefully. "Can't really see without my glasses," he said, squinting.

"You wear glasses?"

"MOVING ON..." Keviar said loudly, as he turned towards the city again.

"I don't think we even need a map," he said, rolling it back up. "I can feel our way towards whatever it is."

"You're gonna feel your way right into a wall!" Chisai yelped as Keviar stepped forward.

"I knew that was there..." Keviar said.


"And we've passed this abandoned building twice now," Chisai said pointing to an old vine-invested building with mysterious stains on the side.

"Well, there's our landmark," Kev said, trying to stay positive.

"Kev, I'm serious, maybe we should just head back before people notice we're gone," Chisai said, looking back at the palace.

"Why are you giving up so easily?" Kev asked. "I told you I'm gonna feel our way towards whatever it is..." he started to say. "It feels like it's pulling me and I know I have to find it."

"So we're trusting 'the feeling'?" Chisai asked, shaking his head.

"Yes negative Nathan," Kev replied. "Now let's go."

"Unless you can go back if you want or if you don't trust it, but I'm seeing this through," Keviar said, a sudden wave of determination entering his voice as he walked away.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Chisai said, jogging after him. "Just remember we gotta keep our cloaks on and hoodies over our faces."

"Yeah, I know," Kev said as they walked past the bustling crowds going about their morning errands.

"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Chisai asked as he aimlessly followed Keviar, who seemed dazed and confused himself, twisting and turning down streets he'd never heard of.

"I think so..." Kev replied.

"I know that we're getting close," he continued.

The ringing in his ears pierced his skull as the closer he got to whatever this thing was, the louder it sang through his head.

"Do you have any idea what it is?" Chisai asked as they continued walking.

"The only thing I know is that for whatever reason this thing is reaching out to me like a missing puzzle piece or something," Kev answered. "Yesterday it was more like a nagging anxiety-inducing nerve, poking at me every second."

"Sounds painful."

"No not really, just unsettling," he said.

"The closer we get to it the more I feel like it wants to be found."

"Well, I trust your intuition," Chisai said.


"So can I ask you something?" Kev asked.

"How come your Dad never let you on a mission or anything?"

"He has a reputation to uphold, and I'm not a part of what people view him as," Chisai said, stopping for a moment.

"I don't think that's true," Kev said.

"What do you think then?" He asked.

"I mean your Dad does have a terrifying reputation, one of the most powerful Flame Users alive, head of the military, rivaled to one of the five Supremes, he's pretty awesome," Kev answered.

"Yeah, exactly."

"You didn't let me finish," Kev said. "He may be all of those things, but he's still a father. And if he's anything like my Dad he would never want to put you in harm's way."

"But I joined the army for him, to show him I can handle myself," Chisai said.

"I think he knows how strong you are, he's just scared that even with all of his power and authority he still can't protect you if something goes wrong," Kev said.


"What?" Chisai asked.

"I think I just explained my Dad," Kev said, suddenly stopping as he reveled in his realization.

"Maybe you're right," Chisai said, putting his hand on Keviar's shoulder.

"I hope he's not freaking out right now," he said, looking back at the palace behind them.

"No, I need to focus for now," he said, turning back around as they both continued walking.


"What was that?" Chisai asked, looking around.

"My stomach," Kev said, holding it shamefully. "I'm starving."

"Well we still have about an hour left," he said. "I've heard good things about this one tavern around here...I'm forgetting the name though," he said, racking his brain.

"Ignite Tavern," Keviar said.

"Yeah, that' it, how'd you know?" Chisai asked.

"Cuz it's right down there," Kev said, pointing to the large wood sign painted red in the distance.

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