Chapter 8: Clearly Something's Wrong

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"So what do you guys do all day when you're sailing?" Joseph asked, laying on the deck as he stared up at the sky the clouds slowly drifted past the sea of endless blue.

"Clean the deck, drink, fish, drink some more, check inventory, have a lil drink, tell stories, drink one more time, then eat, and sleep till tomorrow," Sensi said, as he sat down smoking a cigar in the corner examining the map with a compass.

"I'm gonna be coy, that sounds really boring," Joseph said, dragging out his words. "Except for the tell stories part, what kinda stories?" He asked.

"Usually ghost stories or old sea shanties," Ishi replied.

"Can you tell me one right now?" Joseph asked, eagerly.

"Nah, you don't wanna hear our old fisherman's tales," Ishi chuckled.

"Come on, there's nothing else to do," he said, sitting up.

"Why don't you tell us what you do to pass the time," Sensi said, the cigar still hanging off his cracked lips.

"Yeah, you're young, must've had a lot to running around to do," Warah chimed in.

"Um...well," he started to say. "I usually just stayed inside."

"You're pulling our legs," Ishi said, turning around to look at him.

"Not really, I just stayed inside, cleaned, or wandered around the beach," he said. "Couldn't do much on the island."

"How come?"

"It's a long story," Joseph replied. "And not a good one..."

"Come on, tell us. Like you said there's nothing else to do," Warah said.

"It's... just that..." Joseph stuttered as he retracted his legs curling into a ball as the intense strangling pain of tears gripped his throat.

"Yeah?" Sensi asked.

"Nobody wanted me there in the first place," Joseph continued. "I don't even know what I did for them to hate me so much..."

"Well, what about family?" Ishi asked trying to redirect. "They must be worried about you."

"Doubt they'd call me that anymore."

"What do you mean, you can't be serious?" Warah asked, looking him up and down as he fanned himself.

"Well, I am!" Joseph snapped. "They're better off without me."

"It's alright just breathe, it's okay we didn't mean anything by it," Ishi said, waving his hands in fear as they all stared at Joseph.

"What's wrong?" Joseph asked, looking up as the three of them steadily backed away from him.

"Clearly something's wrong," Joseph protested.

"You melted the shoes we gave you..." Warah said, pointing at Joseph's feet.

"What?" Joseph asked looking down at the melted goop dripping off of his naked feet. The black sludge running off onto the deck.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Joseph exclaimed.

"Don't freak out!" Sensi yelped as his cigar fell to the ground.

"Why are you yelling?!" Ishi yelled back.

"Just don't panic!" Sensi yelled again.

"I'm sorry," Joseph said, his voice short and erratic. "Please, I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore," his voice breaking.

"Just concentrate and calm your breathing," Ishi said, still trying to keep his distance.

"I don't know how!" Joseph screeched as flames erupted out of him.

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