Chapter 26: To Find My Brother

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"Are you sure you're going to make it back before tonight, Dante?" A woman said.

"Yes my love, I'm sure," Dante said, kissing her hand as he walked towards the carriage awaiting him at the front gate.

"Bye, Dad!" Rafael yelped, smiling as he waved his father goodbye.

"Bye, Daddy!" Kameron yelled, her thumb still plastered in her mouth.

"Kam, come on I told you to stop that, your big girl teeth will come out crooked," The woman said as she looked down at Kameron.

"Bye children, you take good care of your mom okay?" Dante said as he got into the carriage waving back at them.

"Safe travels, my love!" Amaia yelled as the carriage pulled off.

"Alright kids, let's go play in the garden!" She yelped, smiling as she held her belly waddling towards the garden.

"Mommy, you know you can't run," Rafael said, rushing to her side as he grabbed onto her hand. "The baby in your tummy will get dizzy," he said pointing to her round stomach.

"I know, my love," she said, smiling as she messed up his hair. "Thanks for reminding me."

"Come on sweetie!" She yelped back as Kameron trailed along behind her, still sucking her thumb.

"Your majesty!" Yohan yelped from the window above them.

"Yes, Yohan?!" Amaia replied, waving up at him.

"You are late for your appointment with the medic," Yohan said.

"Oh, it completely slipped my mind," she said, holding her face. Her dark brown skin shimmered in the sun's early morning light as her locs flopped over her shoulder.

"Can you take these two to the garden then?" She asked, looking down at Raf and Kam.

"Of course, your majesty, I will be right there," Yohan replied as he stepped away from the window.

As he made his way down to take the children from her, she kindly thanked him as she waddled back into the palace and up the stairs to the medic's office.

"Good morning doc," she said as she entered the room.

"Good morning, your majesty," the medic said, bowing.

"No need for that," she said, waving her hands as she sat down.

"Hmph," she said. "My feet are killing me this morning," she said, rubbing her heels.

"That is normal for your third trimester," The medic said, looking through his notes.

"Have you informed his majesty yet?" The medic asked.

"No, I want it to be a surprise," she said smiling. "I've always wanted twins and he still has no idea," she said chuckling.

"I know he'll be as excited as you are," the medic said, smiling back at her.

"I hope so," she said, rubbing her belly.

"Alright, let's conduct the exam and you should be good."


"Your majesty," Hassan said, bowing as Amaia walked down the hallway.

"Ah, Hassan, how are you doing this morning?" She asked, walking up to him.

"I'm doing good, your majesty, and you?" He asked. "How is the baby doing?"

"Everything is good, I just came from a check-up," she replied.

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