Chapter 30

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Kong POV

I look at the man in front of me. It's been three weeks since I brought him here. Three weeks of me torturing him every chance I got. The fucker would not break. He would not tell me who was after my Arthit, and it was pissing me the fuck off. The man in front of me was already passed out. He looked half dead as it was. I looked at him up and down. Burn marks, cuts, acid burns, whip marks, line his body up and down, and he still will not talk. Three weeks ago, we did as May said. We got him claim down and asked him question a toddler could ask. The next day we brought May with us to reverse the spell. We thought it worked, but we were wrong. The fucker still wasn't talking.

Annoyed and frustrated I walked out of the room slamming the door behind me. I need to figure out how to get the answer I need out of him, and I need to figure it out quickly. The bomb a few weeks ago wasn't even the tip of it all. Arthit confused that he has been getting text messages again. Some where about leaving me and others were about his safty. He thought they were all related, until the bomb. I was so damn pissed that he didn't tell me, and after running miles on the treadmill I had cooled off enough to actually talk to him.

I understand that he had been on his own for the last couple years, but I really, really need him to start telling me things like this. He agreed to start telling me thing, and I could tell by his body language and this tone he was serious. He didn't like it when we fight any more than I did.

"Fucking hell" I mumble to myself as I run my hands though my hair, then sigh when I realize I had blood on them. "Just fucking great" I shook my head again sighing. Now I would need a shower before going home. I didn't want Arthit to see the blood and have questions. I was keeping this from him. I know I shouldn't after the way I acted, but this was for his own good.

I took a quick shower at my fathers house before going back to the apartment. Tonight, Arthit and I were going to a party my father company was hosting. I always hated going to these things. Old couples trying to push their daughters at me. Older woman trying to seduce me. Men and women my age trying to be friends with me. It was all pointless and boring. Tonight though, would be different. I would have Arthit, there next to me. On top of that P'Forth and P'Beam would be there too. Ming as well, with Kit. I chuckle to myself as I wonder how much trouble we would actually get into.

I walk into the apartment glad to be home and close to my baby. What I didn't expect to see was my mates adoptive parents in my living room, Itsara holding Arthit by the throat.

"What the fuck is going on here!" I roared, matching over, punching Itsara in the face hard. He dropped Arthit causing him to fall to the ground coughing. "Arthit are you okay?" I asked kneeling next to him.

"Ma...make them leave...please..." he said between taken deep breath and coughing. I stood up looking at Itsara who is on the ground holding his jaw and Amara knelling next to him.

"What the fuck are you doing in my apartment? How the fuck did you even get up here?!" I yelled at them. Nobody is allowed up here without permission. They have to be on a guest list, or the security desk would call and ask if we want them up. There was no way Arthit would have allowed them up here.

"They were here when I got home" Arthit said has he stands up. He wraps his arms around my wraist hugging me tight. His face in my back. He was shacking slightly, which only enraged me mow.

"Answer my question now! How the fuck did you get up here?!"

"We were let up. We stopped at the front desk to check in and our names were on the approved list." Amara said.

"Bullshit! I would never allow you two assholes in my apartment!"

"It's true! You can ask the front desk!" She yelled back. Itsara stood up rotating his jaw. He looked at us with pure disgust on his face.

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