Chapter 50

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Kong POV

I could see how stress my kitten was. The not knowing who was attacking us was getting to him. The police, and the question as well. They wouldn't let it go. They had all the evidence that he didn't kill those people, yet they wouldn't let him be. He could be going to 7-11 and they would be following him. Going out with his friends. They were there. The mall, the doctors, it was like everywhere he turned they were there. I finally had to get my dad and his uncle to step in before I did something that would get me in trouble. Finally, after a month they backed off.

That still didn't stop Arthit from looking over his shoulder everywhere he went. I don't blame him. We don't know who else might be following him, that we don't know about. He was having nightmares, not sleeping, or eating properly.

I still want to take him on a trip, someplace far away from everyone. Someplace where he can relax and rest. Someplace where he can be free. I spent two days figuring out a place, and after researching. I booked the tickets and the hotel. Now I just need to get him to come along.

Tonight, we decided...well I decided that we need to get out of the apartment. We need to spend time with our friends, and we need to have some fun. With my kitten being twenty weeks pregnant, we need to find a place that had food and drinks. A place where he didn't have to do too much walking. We decided to go to a club, so everyone can let off some steam, then we would all go to karaoke.

"I don't think its fair we brought them to a club. They can't even drink." Oak said taken a sip of his beer. I didn't even have to ask who he was talking about. Wad and Arthit were the only ones in our group that couldn't drink right now. We sit in two semiprivate booth in the back of the club. The music isn't as loud back here, so we don't have to shout to be heard. Each booth had one crescent couch, with a table in front of it. Wad, Prem, Knott, Tew, May and Aim sat on one couch, while Arthit, Oak, Maprang, Prae, Tutah, Bright, Rome and I sit on the other. We had asked Ming if he wanted to come out, but he refused to leave Kit and there little girl.

I smile with that though. Arthit was halfway through his pregnancy. Soon we would be the ones staying home carrying for our child.

"I don't think they mind." I said pointing to Arthit who is dancing with May and Prae, and Tutah. Wad was curled against Prem on the other couch, smiling and laughing. The others were someplace either dancing or drinking. "I think they need this just as much, if not more than we do." Oak frowned looking at Arthit.

"Is he still having nightmare?" he asked. My friend might be a goof ball most of the time, but he does care about his friends.

"Yes, at least once a night. Sometimes twice." I frown looking at my beer. "He can never remember what they are about. Sometimes it takes a moment or two for him to realize I have him. Other wise he will fight me." I sigh running one of my hands through my hair.

"Damn. Have you thought about asking Lily to go on and see what they are about?" I shack my head quickly.

"Arthit would be so damn pissed at me if that happen. For one he doesn't like people in our home, let alone in our bedroom. Second off he would find that an invasion of privacy. He is okay with me doing it, now and then, and only when he agrees." I smile as I see Arthit laugh with May and Prae I assume at the cost of the man that just walked away.

"I guess I can see his point." Oak said . "I suppose if it was Maprang I'd do the same thing."

"I am actually going to take him on a trip. I have everything already planned out." I frown as I watch someone wrap their arms around Arthit face. I place my beer down ready to jump in, only for Prae to grab the man's hands and yank them off my kitten.

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