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(Flashback to before the apocalypse)

I rummage through my stuff looking for my homework that was due tomorrow, I throw things left and right knocking a few things over here and there. I hear a slight knock on my door and turn my head to the sound.

"Hey little bunny, what's all this?" My dad leans against the door frame and smile is plastered on his face. I shrug my shoulders and drop my backpack back down to the floor right in front of my feet.

He slowly walks over to me and picks me up into his arms, "Worried about your homework? Silly girl you already finished it. It's on the table." He say pinching my cheeks and kissing my forehead. I snuggle into his neck and calm my breathing.

"My bunny, I love you." He sits me down on the bed and I hear my mom scream in the distance.

"Negan! Come here!" Dad kisses my head one more time before taking off. I lay on my bed and drift off to sleep.

(Small time skip)

I'm awoken by dad shaking me, a finger over his mouth to shush me before I spoke.

"Listen bunny, something bad has happened. Don't freak out or anything but we are going to have to stay in the house for a little ok?" I nod my head and clutch my stuffed animal before grabbing his hand.

"I've already packed your stuff, all the things you need. So don't worry. We're all going to live in the basement for a bit." I nod my head and follow him. We make our way to the basement, I notice all the lights are off and I hear a groaning noise outside. I bite my lip to hold back my tears as I grip dads hand harder.

What is happening?

(Present time)
That was years and years ago. Dad is probably dead, I know mom is.. She couldn't last long without her treatment. The last time I saw either of them was the night dad left to go find medicine for her. I remember her grabbing my hands and telling me to run and go as far as I can and to not turn back for there will be nothing back there waiting for me.

Now I'm in a completely other group, these people saved me. I owe them my life. Never did I think I would be able to call someone else family, but then I met them. I met Rick, Daryl, Carol, Michonne, and so many more. But, my favorite has to be Carl.

He's perfect in every way, and he always stands up for me when I'm too scared to myself. I've never felt such peace around someone like this. I like him, a lot. We're just friends, nothing more sadly.

I'm shaken from my thoughts when Carl elbows my side, "Thinking about me again?" he aggravates. I huff and roll my eyes.

"You know it officer." I reply as I flick his hat upward and gently nudge at him. A smile spreads across his face before he wraps his arm around me and ruffles my hair up.

"That's Mr. Grimes to you ma'am." We both laugh in unison before he takes his arm away from me and drops it to his side.

"Ya know, I'm really happy we're friends Sarah." What a punch to the gut, my stomach immediately drops as I force a smile upon my face and nod at him.

"Yeah friends." I mumble before stepping ahead of him and catching up to Maggie. Her and I are basically like sisters, I tell her everything. She's the only one to know about my crush on Carl.

She drags her attention towards me, "Hey hon, what's up?" She arches her eyebrow giving me a little pat on the shoulder. I look back behind me meeting with Carls confused eyes. I turn back to her.

"The whole cowboy thing." She sighs immediately knowing what I am referring too.

"You're going have to tell him at one point. Plus, it's not like he has much of choice with other girls." She jokes, I don't find this one as humorous. I fake laugh. She sighs and nudges me once more, "Go talk to him, because right now you're making it obvious that something is wrong with you. He's going to start asking questions." I hate how she's always right about shit.

I just nod and slow my pace enough to be three steps ahead of him. I hear his footsteps speed up and I speed mine up as well, before a slender hand grabs my shoulder and jerks me back quickly.

"Sarah." I look at him and then back down, "Why do you always act weird when I talk about us being friends? Do you secretly hate me or something?" I shake my head.

"No it's nothing like that. I just... I don't know I'm sorry." He lets his hand fall from my shoulder back beside his hip.

"It just worries me every time you ditch me like that. You never let me finish my sentence after it." I apologize to him before turning on my heel and walking away once more.

(Small time skip)

We all stop in the road, a small thunder rumbling in the distance. Rick immediately starts grabbing empty water bottles and placing them in the road, everyone quickly follows his moves laying out water bottles out as well.

We listen as the thunder roars in closer and closer before the rain shoots down. The drops as sharps as needles stabbing into my delicate skin, washing the dirt and guck all away. I close my eyes and look up enjoying the water droplets rolling down my face.

I open my eyes and look over to see big dark clouds off in the distance, rolling this way towards us. It does not look good I start to say something before the thunder screams and shakes the ground beneath our feet. Daryl motions for us all to follow him.

We all run into a barn escaping the storm just in the nick of time. We all peer at each other in the darkness and few holes in the barn let's the light from the lightening peek in as shadows cast around us all.

Nobody speaks a word as we let the silence surround us. We all start to look around to see what we can find, we all meet back in a stall and sit down in a little circle as we stare at each other still not breathing a word.

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