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I stare Rick up and down as blood drips from his beard. Not his blood, but another man's blood. I feel my lips twitch upward once he replies to everyone, a bit cocky but funny. I watch as they drag Gregory off to I presume a doctor they have here, the people start to complain but I block them out.

We all walk back into the house and sit for what felt like hours before Jesus came back to us. He smiles and coughs to earn our attention. "The doctor patched Gregory up, he's in pain but he should be fine." Rick ignores him before changing the subject.

"We heard the name Negan a bunch of times already. Abe and Daryl had a little run in with some of Negan's men out on the road. Who is he exactly?" Rick sits and ponders waiting for an explanation.

"He's the leader of a group he calls the Saviors." Jesus pauses and takes a breath before continuing, "As soon as these walls went up, the Saviors showed. They met with Gregory on behalf of their boss. They made a lot of demands, and even more threats. They killed one of us.." He looks down at his feet. "Rory. He was just 16. Beat him to death right in front of us. Said we needed to understand right off the bat."

Rick steps up closer to Jesus "So they show no mercy. Even on kids?" He raises an eyebrow. I knew he was just thinking about Carl at this moment. Jesus nods his head slowly.

"Gregory made the deal afterwards. They get half of everything we own. Sometimes they end up taking more than just half." Jesus looks back up from the floor reading our expressions.

"What do you guys get in return?" I ask stepping up beside of Rick. Jesus sighs once more.

"They don't attack us." I can feel the sadness radiating off his body. This group must be a bunch of assholes. I sigh and sit down the the couch arm. "Most of the people here don't know how to fight."

"How many does Negan have?" Rick asks staring Jesus down, his head now slightly turned to the right. He's getting pissed already and he hasn't even met the guy.

"We've seen groups as large as 20. It's like he owns an army." Jesus leans back against the wall and crosses his arms over.

"So they kill a kid and you guys give them half of everything?" I ask. I watch as Jesus nods his head and I scoff. "This Negan guy is a fucking prick. Instead of just fighting his group can't we just sneak in and kill the bastard?" I ask.

"That wouldn't be very bright. With as many men as he had it would be like trying to sneak into a military base. Guards are everywhere." Jesus releases a long breath. Poor guy.

I stand up and look at Jesus. "Rick can kill him easily. We just need a plan. You can count on us, but you know it'll cost you. Food, medication, maybe one of those cows out front." I say, Rick slowly nods his head in agreement.

"I'll talk to Gregory. I'm sure he will take it into consideration." Jesus places his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want him to 'consider' it. He is either going to say yes or we aren't going to help." I reply, I know I might be coming off a bit harsh but you can't just ask for stuff and then expect to give nothing in return.

Rick stands up and makes his way upstairs, assuming he's going to Gregory. Nobody peeps a word and let's him do as he pleases.

"He'll get what he wants you can't stop him." I say with a small smirk playing on my lips. Jesus laughs hoarsely before shrugging his shoulder.

"Not even Negan asked for this much up front, nor did he receive that much." Jesus leans down to my ear. "But, I trust you guys so if it was me in charge I'd let you take as much as you like." I laugh quietly.

(Time skip)

Finally after and hour or so Rick makes his way back down the stairs a small smile splattered onto his face once he reaches us. "We got a deal." He says. I smile and look at Jesus, I mouth 'I told you so' earning a small laugh from him.

"Let's go back home guys, we can discuss this more later." We all oblige and make our way to the front door, Jesus showing us out. Everyone that was outside before was gone, well except for just a few but they still kept their distance from us.

We watch as they open the gates, we all walk out them besides Jesus who stands back and waves bye to us. "Thank you for your help.. It's really appreciate." Daryl huffs before continuing to walk, Rick nods his head not looking back once.

I smile and wave goodbye to Jesus before catching up to the rest of my group. I'm guessing someone freed the RV considering it wasn't stuck in the mud anymore. We all climb on and check to see if anything was out of place before we took our original spots and took off on the road.

I lay my head back again and sigh, I hate when we always fight people. It's hard enough we have to fight against the undead, you'd think that as humans we'd come together but some pricks want everything to themselves. Just like that Negan. Asshole. How could one man be so selfish.

"Sarah you okay back there?" I hear Rick's voice echoing in my ears, I sigh and stand up before sitting down behind his seat and slowly nodding my head. "You're worried aren't you?" I slowly nod my head once more.

"If this doesn't go how we planned we're going to have a war on our hands. Are we prepared for that?" I ask leaning closer towards Rick. He stares at me through the review mirror. His blue eyes piercing through me the same way Carl's does.

"We will win." He pauses and looks back at the road. "We have to."

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