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I bite my lip to suppress my tears from escaping my eyes. Even though Carl has left, his words still remain taunting me. I use my thumb to wipe the few tears that did fall down my cheek as I make my way back to the house, hoping he wasn't in there.

I walk up on the porch and catch a glimpse of him on the porch swing to which I ignore as I walk in and head upstairs to the bedroom. I fall down to my knees at the bed and reach under grabbing my flannel and the gun. I make my way back downstairs at out the door.

"Where are you going?" He says with a irritating sigh. I ignore him as I walk down the steps as quickly as possible. "Sarah." He says as he stands up and begins to follow me. "Stop." He mutters which to his own dismay I don't.

I arrive in front of Aaron's house and knock on the door. I wait a few minutes before going to knock again but feel fingers make their way around my wrist and pull it back. "What do you think you're doing?" He questions spinning me around to face him.

"I'm staying with Aaron tonight, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I don't think he's self absorbed." I give a fake smile before starting to turn around again, Carls hand moves from my wrist down to my waist stopping my movement.

"I didn't mean to say that. I was just angry and hurt. Just come home, so we can talk things out please?" He says. I pull away from him and knock on the door to which Aaron finally opens it.

"Ah Sarah, Carl. I'm sorry I thought I was hallucinating the first knock. Please, come on in." He says moving aside. I look back at Carl before stepping into the house. "Carl?" Aaron questions still waiting for Carl to make his way in.

"No it's okay. I'm good. See you tomorrow." He says before turning around and making his way off the porch. Aaron slowly closes the door and gives me a confused stare.

"We got into a fight. Is it okay if I stay here tonight?" I ask as I place my gun and flannel on the counter. He wipes his hands off on the towel before nodding his head.

"Yeah of course. I just finished making dinner if you want to join." I nod my head smiling up at him before following him into the kitchen and sitting down while he prepares our plates. "It's spaghetti, I hope you like it." He says as he sets the plate in front of me handing me a fork.

"I love spaghetti, my dad used to make it all the time when I was younger." I smile as I start to eat, Aaron sits at the end of the table across from me as he begins to dig in as well.

"If you don't mind me asking.." He pauses for a second as I look up at him, "What exactly did Carl say to you to make you this upset?" He questions. I sigh and swirl some spaghetti around on my fork before placing it down.

"He told me I was self absorbed." I mumble out, I stare back down at my food as I continue to play with it. Aaron sits in silence for a few seconds, I'm guessing to figure out what to say to me.

"Well if it helps I don't think you're self absorbed." He says with a small laugh before shaking his head. "I'm sorry he said that to you." He says before taking another bite as he continues to look at me. I mock his actions as I take a bite as well before shrugging my shoulders and swallowing.

"He wanted to talk about it, but I didn't want to. Not right now at least, I don't want to say something I'll regret." I say as I look down at my clean plate. Aaron nods his head as he finishes the rest of his food as well, he stands up and grabs his plate then mine before placing them in the sink.

"Well there's a guest bedroom upstairs, second door to your right. The bed is already made with pillows, sheets, and a blanket. Just make yourself at home." He says as he turns around to face me and leans back against the countertop. "Are you going on our little trip tomorrow?"

I nod my head before standing up and pushing my chair back in. "Yeah, that's sort of what caused the whole argument between Carl and I. Because I didn't tell him I was going." I say as I scratch my arm nervously.

Aaron nods his head before patting my shoulder. "Well I'll wake you up when I get up so you'll be ready to go. Rest well." He says as I walk out of the kitchen and make my way upstairs. "Goodnight Sarah!" He screams from below me.

"Goodnight." I say as I walk down the hallway to the second door, I open the door and flick on the lights. The walls are painted a light grey, the bed matching the wall almost perfectly. It's very... dull.

I sigh before I lay down in the bed, pulling the cover up to just below my neck as I shut my eyes. This was going to be the first night I've slept without Carl in awhile. I let all kinds of scenarios race through my mind until I fall into a state of unconscious.

(Time Skip)

I feel someone slightly shaking my body, I open my eyes and see Aaron perched over me. "Hey wake up, I woke you up a bit earlier. I notice you didn't bring any clothes with you so I thought you might want to run back home and get some." I lean up and rub my eyes while nodding my head.

"Yeah. Thanks." I say groggily as he exits the room, I stand up and slip my shoes back on before jogging downstairs and out the door. I quickly run to my house hoping Carl is in the shower like he usually is around this time.

I open the door quickly and tiptoe upstairs, I can feel the heat escaping from underneath of the bathroom door which just proves my suspicion. I sneak into our bedroom and grab some clothes, I look for a hair bow to tie up my hair.

I finally find one and hold it in my hand before turning around, a slight gasp escapes my mouth as I see Carl standing in the doorway leaned against it with just a towel lazily wrapped around his waist.

"So you're just going to sneak in without saying anything?" He ask. I can't believe I didn't hear him get out of the shower, I must've been zoned out. I advert my gaze to the ground. "Well it's whatever. Get dressed, dad's waiting on us." He says which grabs my attention. 

"What do you mean us?" I ask as I lift my eyes back up to him, I take a step closer as if I didn't hear him clearly enough from where I stood before.

"You didn't think I was going to let you go alone did you?"

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