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"Great." I whisper before patting him back. I stand up to my feet and turn around facing Simon. He motions me to come on out which I slowly obey. I stand next to the door as he shuts it and locks it back.

"Welp. I hope you enjoyed that, let's go." He says tossing the keys up into the air and catching them. He starts to push my along but I slam my feet against the ground forcing us brother to stop. "What now?" He questions.

"I want to see her." I say sternly and I turn to face him my arms crossed across my chest. He leans his head slightly to the side as he eyes me up and down.

"Who?" He questions as he twirls the keys around his finger. I motion towards the last door making him glance over his shoulder before looking back at me.

"I want to see Amber." He sighs at my sentence before turning around and walking towards the last door. I stand beside him patiently waiting as he turns the key to the right then to the left below slowly opening it.

"Amber?" My voice echoes in the dark room. The light from the hallway barely coming through just enough to show me her feet. I take a step in and head the door squeak behind me as Simon shuts it a little to give us privacy.

"B-Beth?" Her voice barely comes out above a whisper, it sounded like she had been deprived of water for days. I softly smile as I bend down enough to where I could see her face.

A bit of dry blood was showcased on her lip, her arms were held back by ropes. She sat there staring at me, making me shiver under her intense gaze. "I'm sorry." She whispers as she hangs her head down.

"For what? You didn't do anything Amber. You got me out of this place, and I came back. Don't blame yourself." I say as I use my thumb to wipe off the remainder of blood on her lip.

"I failed you. I should've just helped you get out and I should've stayed here." Her voice slightly trembles throughout each word. I shake my head as I sit next to her, I look around and notice a half empty water bottle sitting close to us.

"Are you thirsty?" I ask as I reach over gripping the bottle in my hands. She nods her head and opens her mouth. I easily hold the bottle to her mouth and pour some into it. "I figured you was considering you're tied up and couldn't reach it."

She continues to guzzle the water until none remains. "Thank you. Again." She says quietly. I smile and nod my head before giving her a soft hug so I wouldn't hurt her.

"Alright time is up, let's go." Simon says as he opens the squeaky door. I nod my head and turn to her giving her one last hug as Simon taps his foot impatiently again.

"I'm going to get us out. Just wait." I whisper into her ear before standing up and walking out. Simon shuts the door and repeats the same process he did with the others.

"Alright. That should do it." He says with a smile as he leads me back into the main room. "You're dad is having a little meeting tonight." He says as we walk towards the stairs.

"About what?" I ask slowly following behind him, skipping a few steps just to keep up. He starts to spin the keys on his finger against as his boots make a loud noise against the stairs.

"Eugene." He says plainly as we reach the top of the stairs and begin our trip back to my room or what is more like a prison cell now. He pushes the door open with his foot and lets me walk in. "Don't worry about your little friends. They are safe, for now. Your dad is taking a few men and heading out to Alexandria tonight to tell Rick about the news. So don't wait up for him." He says before slamming my door shut and locking it.

I smile softly, I had no faith in my plan at first. It was just something I made up out of anger. But thankfully it was actually working so far, I just hope the rest of the plan rises to the occasion.

I kick off my shoes before walking towards my drawer to pick out something more comfortable to wear since I clearly wasn't going to be doing much today. I open the drawer and pull out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

I toss them onto the bed before discarding my daytime clothes. Including my bra. I take a breath of relief as I don't feel suffocated my clothes or bra anymore. I slip on the sweatpants, gliding them over my thighs and letting them settle on my hips before yanking the tank top on over my head.

I jump onto the bed and stare at the ceiling, not realizing how fast time can slip by. Time is a thief. My eyes had been closed for some time now before jolting open at a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yell out. The locks click with each passing second before the door is pushed open. My dad walks in and sits on my bed. "You're back already?" I ask as I lean up in my bed to be closer to him.

"We just had a little chit chat." He says smiling before he lays his bat against my bed. "We actually had a lot to talk about. So much in fact he was kind of starting to piss me off. So of course I took matters into my own hands." He says calmly.

"What did you do?" I ask as my hands fumble with my covers to wipe the sweat off of them. I hope my plan didn't already fall through when it just got going. He shrugs his shoulders and stand up swiftly grabbing his bat as he does.

He makes his way over to my door and leans against the frame his back turned to me. Minutes pass and he continues to stay quiet as if he was trying to decide what to say.

"Dad?" I ask as I swing my legs off the bed and make my way towards him. My feet hitting the cold flooring below them sending shivers up and down my spine.

He slowly turns around to face me a small smile playing on his lips as he swings his bat in front of his knees as he stares down at me. I take a small step back as I felt a cold gust of wind surround me.

"Papa is going to war."

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