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"There's no way we get to live in a house. No fucking way." I smile as the words flow out of my mouth. This sounded like a dream, I never thought I would live in a house again. Carl's smiles down at me as our hands brush beside each other, a small blush forms across my cheeks and his as well.

I stick my hands in front of me and continue walking, I felt so silly getting shy around him. We've held hands before as friends, but it just feels like something was different this time and it was making me go insane.

"Here we are. Aaron said we get these two houses so half of us can live in one and the other half in the other."

"So, they are trying to split us up? I won't lie that sounds a bit weird to me." I say, Carl shrugs his shoulders.

"Dad said we are all going to stay in one house tonight. Seems like you two sorta think the same sometimes." I giggle and look at the houses in awe. They stand tall, and look like they haven't been touched at all. There's no way these people have been in here this whole time and nothing has gotten in. No walker, and not even humans. It's astounding.

"How have they survived this long and not have any trouble?" He squints his brows together indicating him thinking.

"I honestly have no idea, with all the bad people in the world right now there's no way they haven't come across this place and try to take it." Carl grabs my hand and pulls me towards a house, "Come on I want to show you the inside. It's huge."

We reach the door and he drops my hand before turning to me.

"Can you close your eyes?" I giggle and nod my head before shutting my eyes. I feel him get in behind me and place his hands on my hips before opening the door and guiding me in. "Okay on the count of three you can open them. One. Two. Three" I open my eyes and my mouth drops open in shock. This place was huge, it had all kinds of furniture as well.

"Holy fuck. You weren't joking." I look around, Carl's hands still firmly holding onto my waist. He guides me around and to the sink.

"And check this out." He turns on the faucet, and water pours out.

"The water works too? This has to be a dream there's no way." I dip my hand under the faucet and let the water pour over my hand and drip back into the sink. I pause and look at him quickly, "Wait, we can shower?" He nods and laughs at me.

"Hey Sarah? You want to go get Judith and go for a walk?" I nod my head while setting my stuff down in the corner of the room. We make our way over to Judith, I gently pick her up and kiss her soft cheeks.

We walk out the front door and breathe in the fresh air from the outdoors. I hold Judith close to me and watch her as she sleeps.

"Let's walk around and talk to some people get to know them." I say, Carl nods his head and turns left on his heels and takes off.

(Small time skip)

Carl and I sit by this small pond, I give Judith a kiss on her head before laying her onto her blanket spread out on the ground.

"Do you think your dad is going to stay here? So far I really don't want to leave. I like it here."

"I honestly have no idea. I don't think he trusts them right now, but I think he's going to give it a try out. If it doesn't work then.. well.. he said he will take it from them." My eyes widen.

"Do you mean as in kill them? He can't do that there's children here. Their parents. Old people." Carl looks down and sighs.

"I don't think he's going to kill them, maybe just tell them if they don't listen to him they can leave. He will kick them out."

"That's just the same as killing then. Have you seen these people? They don't know what surviving is. They have been in here since the start, you really think they have a chance out there?" I shake my head. Carl grabs my hand in his interlacing our fingers.

"Please don't fight with me again. I'm not trying to argue with you." I look at him and realize that I had put a bit of a harsh tone into my voice. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm not arguing with you. We're.. We're friends right?" I am usually the one to act weird when it comes to calling us friends, but this time was different. Carl sighs and let's go of my hand, before shuffling away from me a bit making me raise my head up.

"Yeah friends..." I look at him strangely.

"Carl why are you acting like th-" I get cut off mid sentence to a screaming Rick.

"Carl! Sarah! Where are you?!" We both stand up and wave our hands while calling his name. He quickly runs over to us and looks around before speaking.

"Don't run off without telling one of us. Got it? I'm serious. We don't know these people, it's dangerous." He bends down and picks up Judith. "Also Jessie wants you two to come over. Carl she said you can talk to Ron, and Sarah I think she said there's a girl named Emily.. wait no.. Enid I think." My stomachs drops again. I haven't seen a girl my age in years, and to make it worse neither has Carl.

Carl nods his head and walks towards Jessie's house with me following behind him closely. We walk up to the door and knock on it.

"Hey kids come on in. The others are upstairs if you two need anything please come and get me." Jessie gives a smile, a small dimple forms onto her cheek. We walk past her and to the stairs.

"Ladies first." Carl offers, I look at him and give a fake frown before walking up the stairs slowly. I hear chatter coming from behind a close door and I knock. A tall boy opens the door and stares Carl and I up and down.

"Oh hey guys I'm Ron. I'm glad you got to come over. Come on in please." I step in and glance around the room. A girl lays on the bed and another guy stands across from us. "Hey guys this is Carl and..."

"Sarah." I reply giving a small smile.

"Sarah. Gotcha. Sarah, Carl this is Mikey and Enid. Enid was an outsider just like you guys." I watch as Carl eyes her up and down. I feel my stomach drop once more and my chest begin to hurt. Was he checking her out?

"Sarah did you hear us?" I snap out of my thought I must've zoned out through their conversation. I shyly shake my head.

"We just said we have video games and stuff. But, that might be too much considering it's your first day here." Carl's eyes are still on Enid before he looks at me. I think he notices Ron staring at me some sort of way, he immediately answers.

"No I think we're good. Sarah and I was going for a walk anyway." I let out a small sarcastic laugh. He can stare at Enid all he wants but once someone stares at me it's over with.

"No it's okay. Ron, I would love to stay and play games." I smile at him before looking at Carl. I notice a look on his face I have never seen before. He looks jealous. Well two can play this game Carl Grimes.

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