"Don't say that." I hear a weak voice speaking, I turn my head and notice Maggie looking at me her lips pressing together tightly, "Don't say that again. That's not your dad." She says shaking her head before looking down at her knees.
I nod my head before looking back down, at my sweats. I drag my hands down the legs and wipe off the blood before standing up and staggering my way towards Carl. I watch as he stands up and open his arms for me to which I collapse in and hold tightly to him.
"I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I whisper as I press my head against his shirt. I feel his hair slightly grazing my forehead as he shakes his head no, his hands gliding themselves up and down my back to comfort me.
"It's not your fault. You didn't know what we were getting into. We got caught, they were ahead. There was nothing you could do." He says as he repeatedly kisses my forehead.
"Glenn.. Maggie. Their baby." I was finding it hard to make full sentences as my brain kept racking through what had happened as if it couldn't believe it. I still couldn't register everything that had happened, I don't think anyone can at this point.
"We're going to get through this. Together." He says pulling me away from him, his hands gripped onto my shoulders. "We need to get out of here first before morning time." He says sighing.
I shake my head with wide eyes. "Are you crazy? Did you not hear what my dad said? He will kill all of you. I'm not taking anymore risk. You guys can go. I'm staying." Carl shakes his head, before staring me down.
"Your dads not even here. He left. Come on, it's not like he's going to have more men watching. We can leave really early in the morning." He says in a convincing tone. I still shake my head and step slightly away from him.
"I'm not letting anymore of my family be killed by him. I refuse." I protest, as I cross my arms over my chest before kicking a rock in my path. I sit back down on the ground and watch as Carl places himself beside me. Wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him, before laying a gentle kiss onto my forehead.
"Can you just try and sleep then? I'll feel better knowing that you're getting well rested." I shake my head as I relax my body against his, I face the RV as I let the memories of what had happened replay over and over in my mind.
I feel as my body begin to shake again and my throat begin to close up as I silently begin to cry. Carl continues to rub my back softly and murmuring into my ear to calm me down. "Shh.. baby it's okay."
I shake my head. "How could he do this? With no remorse. If I had of known me shooting my gun was going to result in yet another death I would've never done it." I pause before looking up at Carl, "I'm the reason Glenn is dead." I say.
"Stop. You're not. Did you have your hands around that bat? No. Stop saying stupid shit." He says before leaning down and kissing my forehead gently. "Your dads an asshole. My dad is probably going to kill him, you know that right?"
I shrug my shoulders and look straight forward. "Good. I hope he does." I say no feelings expressing themselves through my tone of voice. "I already thought he was dead, if he gets killed it's not like it's going to be any different."
"He's still your dad." Carl says grabbing my chin with his hand making me look over at him, "You're allowed to love him even after what he's done. Nobody here would judge you." He says staring me down.
"I hate him. That's not my dad, my dad would never do such a thing." I mumble jerking my head from his hands. "I'm going to sit in the RV." I say before standing up and slowly staggering my way over. I pull on the door but it doesn't budge. "What the hell?"
I begin to pull harder but the door still doesn't pull open. I turn around and face the group who was still staring at the ground and notice Rick nowhere in sight. "Rick? Rick! Where the hell is he?" I say frantically immediately grabbing everyone's attention as they look at the spot where he once was.
"Is he in the RV?" Michonne asks as she stands up for the first time tonight. She makes her way over to the RV and begins to yank on the door the same way I had before.
"I already tried that it didn't work." I say before beating on the door, "Rick are you in there? Come on open up!" I yell hitting the door harder. I hear the same whistling from when we were in the woods and quickly back away from the door. The door pops open and dads head sticks out a smug smirk spread across his face.
"Lil old Ricky is staying the night with me." He says his bat still hanging over his shoulder. "We're going to talk business. Now be a good kid and let your dad continue on with his conversation in peace."
"You're not supposed to be here. I told you to leave." I say sternly grabbing the door and trying to open it wider, but his grips it tighter holding the door at the same place before.
"You really thought I was going to leave you here? You think I believe you were going to listen to me and stay here till morning?" He laughs loudly, I turn my head and notice Michonne had already moved back to her spot back onto her knees. "Well haven't I scared you guys shitless!"
"Burn in hell." I mumble through my teeth. He shakes his hand and grabs my arm pulling me into the RV and slamming the door shut. I listen as Carl beats on the door and screams my name. I grab my arm and rub it where he grabbed me before harshly.
"Go to the back and sit. One more word and your little cowboy loses an arm. You're going to listen to me and that's final." He says standing up tall in front of me. He ruffles my hair the same way Glenn had before making me bite my lip to hold back tears.
"Don't be like that bunny." He whispers before he grabs something out of his back pocket. "I had been holding onto this in my truck, hoping to give it to you." He places in my hand my childhood stuff animal. My bunny he had bought for me when I was younger.
"My little bunny. Welcome home."

The Devils Daughter
FanfictionSarah, a young girl stripped away from her parents at the beginning of the apocalypse, fights with everything in her each day. Her only family at this point is a group who found her at Terminus, and saved her. Ever since then they had been inseparab...