I awake to the sound of distance chatter, Carls arm was once again laying across me like the morning before, but this time I didn't move it. I laid still and listen to his steady breathing, and felt his chest press up against my back with each breath he took.
The chattering must have woke him up, his arm falls off my side and his hands goes to his eyes to rub the sleep away. I lean up and stretch out before looking down at him, "Good morning sleepyhead. Sleep well?" He groans and sits up as well.
"Not really, kept waking up throughout the night. Basically slept with one eye open." He says before finally opening his eyes completely wide, he stands up and offers a hand down to me. I slide my hand into his and let him pull me up.
"I think we are getting ready to leave they have all been over there talking to each other for awhile now I'm assuming." I say putting my bag onto my shoulders. I watch as Abraham walks out and towards an RV.
Rick walks up to Carl and grabs his shoulder and just nods his head before walking off to a car. Carl grabs my hand and leads me to the same car, we both get in as Rick hands us Judith.
"This might be a long ride so just be prepared." Rick says before starting the vehicle. He pulls out and we finally hit the road, but thank goodness it wasn't on foot this time. I don't think my legs could've made it any further.
Carl and I play with Judith for a bit before we lay her down to sleep beside us. Carl had decided to sit in the middle so I could look out the window at all the pretty fields and flowers as we past by them.
I lay my head onto his shoulder and close my eyes. We might have a home today, I hope we don't screw this up. I also hope these people aren't maniacs like the last ones were. I feel Carls shoulder move and then feel his arm wrap around my shoulders. He takes his hat off and places it on his lap before laying his head on mine.
My eyes start to droop once more before Rick puts on the breaks, I jolt up expecting the worse. I look in front of us then out the back window and see the RV had stopped as well. We all got out and walk towards the group.
"Need another battery." Abraham shouts out once he notices us walking up.
"I know where can find one come on." Glenn motion Abraham to follow him. I look at Carl as he inspects our surroundings.
"Nothing is out there, just relax for a few minutes." I say grabbing his face and making him look at me. His gaze softens once his eyes meet mine. He sits down on the ground and pats the spot next him, I oblige and sit next to him as well.
"It feels pretty good out today, the breeze is nice." I nod my head as I close my eyes and let the cool breeze flow through my brown hair. The gravels in the road pick at palms making my skin push inwards to make dents. I've never really took the moment to take in the Earth. The hot sun beams down on my skin making my skin hot to the touch.
I lean my head back down and open my eyes and then to Carl, had he been staring at me this entire time?
"What?" I ask looking at him and small smile breaking its way onto my face. He shakes his head bringing himself out of his deep thought. A slight blush crept across his cheeks as he turn his head away.
"Nothing. I was just looking at stuff... things." He stumbles over his words. I feel a blush creep up onto my skin as well, the Carl Grimes was staring at me. Me.
Glenn and Abraham make their way back from the side of the RV. Carl sighs and draws my attention making me look at him. "Can I tell you something?" He asks still avoiding eye contact.
"Anything. You can tell me anything you know this." I smile. He bites his lip and takes a deep breath.
"I know we are friends and all, but Sarah I think you're actually really be-" The sound of the RV starting stops him mid-sentence, everyone begins to cheer and clap. I smile and do the same before looking at Carl, he is biting his lip once more.
"What was you saying?" I question him, he shakes his head and stands up, he offers his hand out and helps me up as well.
"It was just something stupid. Forget about it really." he offers a warming smile before making his way towards the car, I follow right behind him and hop in.
"Are you sure it was nothing? It sure sounded like something." I begin to say he places a hand over my mouth softly and puts his finger to his lips and shushes me.
"Don't talk about it. Now, no more questions okay?" I gently bite his hand to make him pull away from mouth.
"Fine no more questions. But you owe me a candy bar from your stash." He widens his eyes and covers his bag with his hand.
"What why?!"
"Because now I'll be thinking about what you wanted to say and it's going to make me overthink and I can't overthink on an empty stomach. Do you think I'm a psychopath Carl Grimes?" I place a hand over my heart and act dramatic. He chuckles at my actions and shakes his head before reaching into his bag and throwing me a candy bar.
"I don't think you want me to answer that question." He replies earning a slap on the shoulder from me. I open the candy bar and begin to eat it.
"Don't push it Grimes."
(Time skip)
We come to a stop as we all get out of the vehicles and make out way toward the big walls. I grab ahold of Carls hand, my nerves are a total wreck right now. The closer we get the bigger the pit in my stomach gets.
We reach a gate and someone pulls one part open, we hear something squeal and Daryl immediately shoots it and grabs it holding it up.
"We brought dinner."

The Devils Daughter
FanfictionSarah, a young girl stripped away from her parents at the beginning of the apocalypse, fights with everything in her each day. Her only family at this point is a group who found her at Terminus, and saved her. Ever since then they had been inseparab...